Yes they absolutely are. Straight from the Blue posts in the UI forum:
That’s for content created within game.
You don’t create addons in game. You do it outside game with a text editor.
So again they have no rights. To addon code.
Not likely to happen, and I expect a lot of addon authors to click that checkbox not allowing their addon to be picked up by 3rd party apps. Why? Because at the end of the day, even a few $$$ a month is > NO MONEY.
Yes, they absolutely do, as per the blue post that I quoted.
They are covered by the clause that says , up to Blizzards discretion they allow the use of third party interfaces.
This is a policy of what Blizzard like to see in addons in the community. It’s not a legal contract between the addon author and Blizzard.
As it’s not listed in the legal section of their website.
Read the ADDON Policy,
Its number 7.
Thanks for that link I was just Googling Addon policy. They must follow those terms then but Blizzard doesn’t own the addons or their code.
OK thanks for clarifying that.
This is enforced and a legal document. The addon authors HAS to obey to this.
If it was like you said than addon authors could charge money for their addons as well because you think this document is not legal which makes 0 sense.
And specifically states that they follow the EULA. You’re incorrect here. Blizzard absolutely has rights to that addon code. If they didn’t, they couldn’t implement half of what they have, including their version of rIO, in which they even worked with rIO.
Strange how in 12 years …. They never have enforced it.
Strange how they absolutely have, when at least one addon I know of was shut down, because they were charging money for it.
Pretty sure that cover mods but that doesn’t give them ownership over it. It just means if they wanted they could clone it and there is little the author could do about it.
legal = go to court
If I whip up an addon right now and charge $1 for it what’s Blizz gonna do? Nothing. The most they can do is throw my addons name on a list that gets it banned in game. I’ll never see any actual legal proceedings because I made a for pay addon
And yet there are still several addons charging money.
Your addon has to be free, if you provide services for your addon then that’s not the addon that’s a service and doesn’t have to be free
Rulefoo is fun isn’t it lol
And I know of at least 2 addons that there is no FREE version, the only way to get the addon is to pay.
I’m curious now since I know of 0 addons like that
The closest one I know of is Zygors but Zygors the addon is free, Zygors guides aren’t free
So what addons are pay only?
Then those can absolutely be reported and Blizz can shut them down.