They’re not locked behind it.
Also, this:
They’re not locked behind it.
Also, this:
All 30-50 of them, eh? LOL
Never ever going to use overwolf. I used ajour which was the best and fastest now i m thinking about coding my own updater. Blizzard had a policy that addons should be free, maybe it also should apply to repositories who are serving ads for access
110 addons? I’m willing to bet that all but 5 need to be updated more than a few times per patch :b
Lore ion’s old qa side kick was supposed to be in charge of addon developers and content creators. Why have so many quit wow? Is lore inept? I remember him defending legion broken scaling when you could turn xp off and level 50’s demolished level 60’s.
He went on a rant against the subscribers how they were not playing it how they were supposed to. He quietly disappeared with no apology for defending a horribly broken scaling system. Now this? Do your job lore.
Yes, actually. I have 2 batch files, one for “needs many updates” (like big wigs or raider io), and another for ALL of mine.
I’ve set up my browser to automatically download these files. I can update my addons to 9.2 in about 60sec. I’m only limited by my download speed to their server, which isn’t throttled at all. The only tedious part is getting the download link, but that’s really not hard to do, it’s just the shear number of addons (but you had to find them anyway… so…yeah.)
No joke, it took me more time to write this post that it did to update my addons using this method.
No, it’s actually quite frequent.
All I can say is that you have options.
how does 1 need 110 addons…? my max is 26 but DBM is 14 of them
I seriously don’t understand the hate of overwolf, I been using it ever since Twitch gave Curseforge to them. no malware they claim (im using malewarebytes), no lag… nothing
I have to use overwolf regardless because I play minecraft mods
Assuming the addon folder names match exactly the addon name on the website, why not just make a PS script that lists the addon directory and then pulls those names into a loop for download/extraction?
Assuming the names always match of course.
Again, I have 110 addons. Just to create a batch file with them would take a lot of time. Yes, I very well could do that. However, not everyone can, nor should that be a workaround for a poopy company.
(I swear we all sound like toddlers just to not to curse on the forums)
If I cant get my brothers to use a simple batch file, there’s no hope for a PS script. LOL
(Though… Tell me more. I just took the easy way out because I’ve been manual addon management for 15 years.)
This is fine by me. 110 is REALLY high, but I can respect that my solution doesn’t work for everyone. No harm in that.
Trying to lead him to any kind of conclusion is like bringing someone who already died of dehydration to the Oasis. They just aren’t gonna get it
I already told them that I understand that wowup no longer being able to update addons from curseforge sucks yes
But I also said that doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to update them ever again, there are other ways to update them
Okay, but why don’t you just say “Yeah, this sucks” instead of obviously making moves to defend it in your first post?
Just comes across as fighting for the sake of fighting. Especially when you admit later that you understand the frustration.
Like I have genuine disagreements with you on a lot of topics; I hate Store Mounts and you love them. It is what it is; we disagree. But you also have a lot of moments where you just butt into threads just to tell people their frustrations with something in the WoW space are unjustified. That’s annoying because you don’t come with a real argument. “Yeah it sucks, but find another way” is a silly argument here.
Let me try to throw something together, I’ve been curious as to how well this will work.
because you can make something better out of a unfortunate event, venting out of anger is wasted time when you can work on how to make that situation better for yourself
like today I paid $50 for a full tank of gas for my truck, haven’t had that happen in awhile but gas prices are rising
im not going to go on social media and start venting about how political people need to fix this, thats life.
i’m hourly so I’ll change some spending if necessary and do a couple hours extra overtime to eliminate a problem
or another example: I went to the dealership in December for my next maintenance schedule cause it was time
I paid for life time oil change and they told me it was only 2 free oil changes per year so i used up my yearly free oil changes, also to mention my differential oil fluid needs to be changed too but its not covered
was it my fault I didn’t read the fine print when I signed papers about lifetime oil warranty for my new truck? sure, but thats not the end of the world, so I said “oh, darn that sucks. Ok anyways charge my card” and move on
If that is truly your outlook on life, I’m glad to hear it. But you have to understand why so many of us are over the “just figure it out and do something else rationale” after trying to do that for years with Blizzard. Obviously this instance is not a Blizzard problem directly, but same principles. I use Overwolf, I have since Curseforge was acquired. It wasn’t worth the headache, but the software is pretty shady and I understand why people dislike them so much.