I really hope Blizzard sues Overwolf into the ground or sends them a cease and desist and bakes addon management into the official launcher so we don’t have to trust third party installers.
Overwolf purchased curse for the explicit purpose of having a near monopoly on wow add-ons so they could profit by forcing players to install advertising software on their PCs. Software that scans you gaming libraries and is capable of drawing ads over your game (but we won’t, we promise!). It’s in direct opposition to the idea that add-ons should not be part of profiteering.
To make matters worse, they offer exclusivity deals to some of the most popular add-ons out there. Now we have DBM and other money grubbing devs who never, ever should have been making add-ons for profit, doing explicitly that, paid for by ad revenue and exclusivity deals.
If you do great work and want to have a Patreon or something, awesome. But locking content behind an ad platform and acting like manually downloading and updating hundreds of add-ons is a serious option is dispicable.
Nice job Overwolf, you’ve slowly boiled the frogs.
Again, Overwolf is known spyware and has been known for exactly that since it’s release. It’s funny that it’s also all the familiar faces we see constantly derailing threads and attacking anyone who posts constructive criticisms of the game in here defending it’s use. Especially funny when you know how Overwolf has operated for years.
Quit defending this garbage company who profits off selling the data if rakes from your computer.
Yeah that’s what I was doing at first, whenever I want to learn something new the first thing I always do is lookup what book people consider the best and read it But it’s really out of date and you’ll have to do a lot of googling to find the correct solution which I don’t really mind but I’d rather not
The best resource imo is going to be the #resources channel in the Wow AddOns discord
Correct; and a benefit to using the overwolf curseforge app is that it makes it easier to search addons, add or remove addons without having to search them up through google.
As an aside, the adds not only cover the overhead cost that comes with maintaining web sites, databases and data delivery systems, they also provide a small, (very small), profit sharing with addon authors.
A great many programs, when installed, automatically run when starting your PC as a default; you need to manually select the option to not load on startup.
Overwolf and CurseForge both default to run on start so you must select the do not load options on startup.
I have it set up that neither OverWolf or CurseForge start until I click on the shortcut, I also select the option to exit both when I close the window.
You’re missing the point. People shouldn’t have to opt-out of any promotional content. That’s how you get these businesses that charge you automatically after a trial period. It’s BS and should be illegal. Opt-in is superior, because if your product is good, you’ll have people naturally learning about your product and doing so.
I’m sorry. I was mistaken. Opt-out IS illegal now.
When you have to go into menu settings to remove functions, like pop-ups that can absolutely pop-up during gameplay, that’s considered an “opt-out” function. Someone with a lawyer connection could absolutely sue Overwolf for this.
I wish Blizz would just release their own addon manager. It can be like how they added raider io, gearscore, or tomtom functionality into the base game. It probably should have happened a long time ago anyways.
If we take DBM as a great example, imagine the hours and hours of work that the DBM team needs to continually maintain, improve and continually update their addon, to say that they should only do it for love and deserve nothing is a bit tight-fisted, and ungrateful.
The amount of profit-sharing from OverWolf is minuscule, I do donate to a number of addons directly to show my support and hopefully keep them going.
I walk to work every single day… uphill in the snow (both ways!). Actually, I work at home so I only have to navigate the stacks of books and avoid the traps set by my pet Spot.
Wago was the one I was thinking was mentioned. I didn’t know Curse & Curseforge were two separate sites. Right now I’m using Curseforge through Overwolf - two aptly named.
It slows down my computer when on WoW considerably despite exiting.
I appreciate your earlier post for newbies. I’m one that just has a mental block on computers. I can hook up our sound system, learn knitting, and self teach myself just about anything, been to college, but when someone starts mentioning files and changing them in the computer one might as well be speaking Sanskrit to me.
Awh good ol’ Overwolf, the cancer that keeps growing.
Hopefully addon devs publicize their Github repos if they’ve not already or upload to Wago and Overwolf & CurseForge can shrivel up & die.
And their reasoning is hilarious. “They’re supporting downloads from another platform so we’re butthurt because we cannot provide a product that’d actually entice people to use it so we’re taking our ball and going home”. Glad they’re more than happy to prove everyone right about how absolutely awful of a company they are.
They shouldn’t use any resources when completely closed.
When you run Curseforged, click on the gear icon in the lower left corner to open the settings. Where it says “When I close CurseForge”, select Exit Curseforge and Overwolf.
Where it says “Run Curseforge at Startup”, slide that off. When it tells you that Overwolf is set to run at startup, change its settings as well.