World is ending.
Well, they could save some of that money they were giving to fund the Bobbyachts and paying addon creators instead. It would end up making a better experience for the players. A better player experience, the more players will play. The more players that play, the more they sell in the store and in subscriptions.
The old saying, “You gotta spend money, to make money,” applies here. Instead of paying a CEO an obscene amount of money to ruin the company, they could be paying others to help make them more money.
I do… well, more like roll out of bed, and crawl to the coffee pot, then stagger back to the desk and go to work.
Yeah, I know WFH is cheating.
I don’t know what apps you are running or how you have yours setup, this never happens to me. You can also setup Overwolf to close entirely when you close Curseforge, there are settings for that.
Just modify your hosts file or make a pi-hole (no innuendo here that’s what it is called) for your home.
I’ve not really delved in it myself, but how difficult is learning LUA vs say HTML, Turbo Pascal, C++, or Python?
Just imo, harder than python, about the same as html, Idk about c++ or turbo pascal
I don’t use Overwolf. I tried it once, and that started happening. I shouldn’t have to go in and configure settings for it to NOT do that crap. That’s like saying the opt-out is the best solution vs the opt-in. Any developer worth their salt knows you don’t program using the opt-out. It’s a sleazy business practice that should have never been introduced, and SHOULD be illegal.
You’re saying Python is easier than HTML? I mean, I’d put those about on par with each other, personally. Not trying to be a douche or anything.
It might have something to do with learning HTML before python, I just picked it (python) up really quickly. Also Sublime Text 3 is the bomb. I have to update to 4 but I haven’t yet for no reason in particular
I wouldn’t mind using the CurseForge App if it didn’t take so long to load.
Lua is easier than all of those, easier then C++ my freaking light years It’s really a small language and not very complicated
This book is incredibly out of date Here’s a link to a pdf version of it
I would suggest this to get started
and this for learning Lua
You go here:
You search for your addon. Say… BigWigs:
You click on Bigwigs and bookmark it:
And then you click that bookmark once a week to see if there’s a new update. It’ll tell you on the right hand side when it was last updated.
If you need to update, hit “download” in the upper right hand corner. NOT “install.”
It’ll download to wherever your downloads go. Usually the Downloads folder. For me, it’s the desktop.
You double click on the zip file that was downloaded.
At the top, you’ll see “Extract all.”
Click on “Browse.”
Then find the file path to your addons folder. Usually it’s This PC > Local Disk C: > Prograam Files (x86) > World of Warcraft > retail > Interface > Addons
Click “select folder.”
Click “extract.”
Click “replace files in this destination.”
And you’re done. After all of that. >.>
To be fair, I started learning HTML back in 1998 to code Angelfire websites. Granted, that was HTML 4.0, but it hasn’t changed that much since then overall. I agree, though, Python seems pretty easy so far. I’m only the first few weeks in the semester of learning it, and I’ve already started developing a program that will estimate your weekly income tax just by using your yearly income and filing status.
I think we can all agree that it’s WAY easier than Javascript.
It feels like a huge upgrade. I wish I switched to it sooner!
If you already know a language I suggest reading this instead of what I linked above. What I linked above is what I’d suggest to people who know nothing.
PIL (Programming in Lua) is the official documentation for the language and will tell you everything you want to know
Overwolf ate my homework.
Seriously!!! Well, what are those other add on sites people talk about my Obewan when it comes to all computer tech stuff?
Thanks! I always like learning new programming languages.
Except Javascript. If I never see another line of that junk, it’ll be too soon.
Hi, I am here after reading about this on Wowhead. I have been using wowup and it worked ok but if thats no good to me now Im wondering about the options. Excuse the noob, but when I sent to the curseforge site it had a link for an app up top. I check it out, it says its in beta so would it be safe to use that? Is it an ok app to use instead of wowup? As I say please forgive my noobness, add ons are a relatively new thing for me but I found some of them very handy. Thanks.