Overwolf Denies WoWUp Its API

There won’t be any. :rofl:

Until someone at Blizzard thinks “man this is making us lose even more money than usual” and starts connecting the dots for the banhammer, like they did when they banned boosting. No one thought they’d do that either.

So what are they going to do ban every addon on Curseforge? Sure…

You are conflating two different things. The boosting thing was because those communities where spamming the living hell out of chat channels. There is a reason that they clearly stated it didn’t applied to guilds or individuals buying or selling those services.

They banned every single boosting community. Again, no one thought they were capable of it.

No, they were banned because almost all of them were involved in RMT of the gold they got from boosting, since there are flaws in how gold can be traced with WoW’s own logging. Clearing up chat spam was a handy side effect.

Most of my addons on WowUp are from WowInterface, at least the most useful ones, but a few of them can only be downloaded/updated from the curse repository, what is going to happen is that I’ll simply stop using these and keep only the ones that can be updated from other sources via WowUp (or anything else that isn’t Overwolf really).

It’ll suck for a little while, I’ll have to get used to playing without them but eh, it’s not the end of the world, it’s definitely less inconvenient than bothering with cancerwolf.


Before you stop using them, I would check the wago repo. They have about a 100 or so of the most popular mods on their repo page.

I did check, unfortunately they do not show on the “providers” tab under anything other than Curse.

IIRC they cited a violation of the terms of service for their API. A clause they added in Jan 2022.

Asmongold says some addons need to be removed and ruin the game

Anyone that didn’t see this coming didn’t want to see it coming. Siphoning off of an internal API to bypass the normal operations of a company is going to get you locked out at best, or sued into the ground at worst. WoWUp has had its own controversies as well, lest anyone here decide to have a selective memory. While nobody likes ads and the dangers involved in allowing third party ad networks to host those ads, let’s not kid ourselves and say this wasn’t a long time coming for WoWUp.

It’ll be interesting to see what the wago site does to the io branding. It may suck that WoWUp no longer has access to the CurseForge API, but this is entirely of their own doing and the choices they’ve made after the fact are equally their own doing.

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You’re not going to be hearing any such chants from me… but you will hear me applauding Overwolf for this.

I am an addon developer that many players are already familiar with. The general consensus among addon developers is that the existence of WowUp and the manner in which they built their business did little more than undermine financial support for addon developers while creating a false impression that there was something bad about using Overwolf/Curseforge to manage their addons. I applaud Overwolf for finally being able to execute their change to the API so that now as addon developers we have choice in the matter. Any addon developer who wants their addon to be available to WowUp already has a number of choices available to them to do just that. This has been the case today, prior to the API change, and even prior to Twitch’s sale of Curseforge to Overwolf. The simple matter is that if we wanted WowUp distributing our addons, we’d have published to them ourselves. I encourage anyone who holds a negative opinion toward Overwolf to examine the source of their opinion. I dug as deeply as I could on this topic and found layers upon layers of exaggerations and out of context or very aged information. The folks at Overwolf are good people as far as I can tell from my many many interactions with them.


That feeling when I just saw the Tomcat. Totally rad.

But I don’t trust the overwolf software.


Here I was thinking that the MDT drama would be the gold medal winner for having me uninstall an addon at lightspeed, but this post just took first place.



Addon developers including myself tire of hearing from people like you who have nothing better to do than to be rude and make unnecessary comments such as this.

For the most part, we don’t profit from our work. We might sometimes lose a little less than the entire market value of our time because some folks decide to help share with us some of the burden that it takes to contribute addons to the WoW community. Your way to contribute if you didn’t want to open your wallet could have been to just tolerate a Honda Civic ad in the bottom corner of the Curseforge addon manager once in awhile… or at the very least actually check into Overwolf for yourself, looking past the hear say, paranoia, and greatly exaggerated reports of things that may have happened years ago but are missing important details… before jumping on the bandwagon. Back when Overwolf took over Twitch, I asked the WoW community to provide me with proof that Overwolf is doing anything nefarious and I would gladly start working immediately on an alternative addon distribution service. Nobody had anything. Nada. Zero.

But really… thanks for the kick to the nads for over 5000 hours I spent to try to make the game better for you.


my computer already auto quits overwolf every time i shut it down. it won’t even launch it when i turn it back on. so i guess i’ll just keep it off then.

Batch is suuuuper simple. You just gotta do a little bit of legwork to get the URL for each addon you want to download.

(I’m assuming you are using a Windows OS.)

  1. Open Notepad
  2. Use my code below as a basic template. You’re basically just copy/pasting the URL of the download page.
start "" http://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/big-wigs/download
start "" https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/raiderio/download
  1. “Save As” → Select: “Save as type:” and select “All Files”, then save the file as whatever you want, but add .bat to the end. For example: updateAddons.bat

Congrats, you have your batch file! Now we need to set up the browser.

Browser setup (Chrome).

  1. Open Chrome and go to “Settings”
  2. Search for “Download” in the Chrome Settings window.
  3. Confirm the “Location” is something you can easily find. Typically, it’s doing to *\Users\Username\Downloads already (the usual default).
  4. Change “Ask where to save each file before downloading” to DISABLED. Please note that if you frequent sketchy websites, you’ll want to re-enable. I don’t do anything I’d consider unsafe, so I leave it disabled.

Congrats! Chrome is now setup to handle the downloads without your consent. Just be sure to set Chrome as your default browser, so the Batch script will use Chrome.

Running the batch script:

  1. You should have saved it by now. And you should have updated it with a few URLs, if not all of them.
  2. I placed my Batch script on my Desktop for easy access.
  3. Double-click the file, and simply wait, it should open multiple tabs into Chrome, one for each addon/URL.
  4. Wait for the files to finish downloading, the pages typically have a 5sec countdown.
  5. Once all the files are downloaded, go to your Downloads folder (or wherever you told Chrome to save files.)
  6. Select all of the zip files and then Right-click and select “Extract Files”. (Don’t do each file one-by-one, do them ALL in a single go.) Be sure to tell Windows to drop them into your Addons folder. World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns
  7. Once the files are extracted and dropped into the AddOns folder, you’re done!

Close Chrome/tabs when you’re done because I said so.

Please note, once you get comfortable with this, it takes maybe… 10 mouse clicks… to update all your addons.

If you like an addon, I would suggest a small donation to those people. Some do it for fun, but it’s a kind gesture. If you don’t have an adblocker, you’ll still receive the ad services, which should be kicked back to the addon devs. So it’s a win-win. You dont see ads, Addon Devs get paid because website revenue should be part of the payments.


I’m listening to plenty and that will directly result in me living without your addon, the functionality of which is largely covered by the in game calendar anyway. Oh no, however will I manage with Wowhead coords references and a calendar? Like I have to do every year anyway, when you addon fails to account for any timezone that isn’t American.

This is the internet. You’re getting feedback and commentary on your perspectives whether you like it or not. Contrary to your ego, you’re not special and being an addon developer does not make you special or a privileged class of person. Your unwise financial decisions are not our problem and never should have been our problem under Blizzard’s own rules.

You knew what you were signing up for when you made your addon. You read the TOS and presumably agreed to it and you also knew that you weren’t entitled to advertising for financial support or soliciting donations. You knew that Blizzard strongly discouraged monetisation of what’s effectively a fan work and were still arrogant enough to think that it wouldn’t have an impact on potential monetisation. This is not the problem of the end user - it was never on us to pay your bills for you if your addon development is unsustainable. You want a stable income that rewards you with market value for your efforts? Get a real job instead of expecting customers already paying a subscription to cover you as well.

Ah yes, I need to expose myself to deficient garbage software, run by a deficient garbage company because someone developing an addon thought it’d be a great idea to stage their entire financial situation around a game they don’t own. You put yourself into this situation by making this into your livelihood instead of a normal job. The already paying customers of WoW didn’t owe you anything the moment you agreed to the TOS for releasing addons. Addon development was never intended to compensate for bad life choices and nor will I be guilted by irresponsible people who haven’t come to conclusion that a job pays more than hobby development that bans 99% of monetisation.

There’s pages upon pages of internet history covering Overwolf’s sordid past. You electing to ignore them because Overwolf throws you a few peanuts does not erase that history. If you’re considering this a business, then the onus is on you to smartly pick your business partners and how you choose to invest your time and money. We’re subscribers to World of Warcraft, not your personal financial advisor, since you’re very clearly making this about wanting “market value” for your time. It’s not the WoW community’s job to carry you through basic life decision making you should’ve learnt at age twelve.

Thanks for the addon that’s never worked in my region. I really appreciate all that effort, but I’d appreciate it even more if you stopped development entirely and got a job instead of depending on an income that was never sustainable.


Beyond a couple of bits of misinformation, I will not dignify the rest of your toxic response with a reply. No need to reply again. The below is for the benefit of people who may be confused by the misinformation you just spouted and that now I have to clear up.

False. Clearly you don’t use my addon as it is not a ‘calendar’ addon. In my addon folder under lunarfestival/eventTime.lua and loveisintheair/eventTime.lua handle all of the timeset offsets for every region. Both have been in effect for a few years.

Also false.

From Blizzard:
5) Add-ons may not solicit donations.
Add-ons may not include requests for donations. We recognize the immense amount of effort and resources that go into developing an add-on; however, such requests should be limited to the add-on website or distribution site and should not appear in the game.

First, an addon developer is not an addon. This means that we cannot request donations from within the game. As you can see, Blizzard has their recommendation for where we can and should ask for funding - just not inside of the game.

Still false. See above.

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The only thing that changed was Overwolf giving a different excuse. :slight_smile:

Then you ignored all the evidence given and ‘brushed it off’ which is another reason why you stopped getting any sort of donations from people like me. :3


There were more security breaches since the last year, but since you’re refusing to do the ‘legwork’ or ‘look into it’ yourself why should I even bother continuing to go given your responses here.

I’m sure you’re looking at citing the rules, without realizing there’s also not supposed to be ANY premium features for addons of which quite a few big addons have premium features.