Overwolf Denies WoWUp Its API

you do know that most of the minecraft modders went and left overwolf to make a new addon manager/client right.

Between my adblocker and VPN, I can’t remember the last time I saw on ad on WoWhead or the Curseforge app.

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Correction, you won’t reply because you don’t have a leg to stand on that’s grounded in anything but your own misplaced sense of entitlement to the money of others who never owed it to you in the first place. In your thousands of hours of development, you could’ve sunk it into something you actually own, but instead you’re here making excuses for an entirely self inflicted problem.

And none of them correctly register OCE’s timezone, therefore not appearing at the proper start or end dates or times, causing the events icons to appear late for our region and disappear early. Much like the actual WoW calendar, but even more inaccurate. Meaning, that the best bet is just use coords and manually time correct for WoW’s own calendar because they still work more reliably for us than your addon does. Your timeset offset doesn’t work.

Since you are clearly too offended to actually read my post properly, let me requote an extremely important section for you:

You might be allowed to ask for donations outside of the game, but the 99% of monetisation I refer to is the in game advertising you admit to not being allowed to do - which would be the lionshare of all potential solicitations for donations. Blizzard’s own TOS discourages monetisation of the addons, by not allowing it in game where said advertisements would be most seen by users. They know this and you clearly knew this when you developed the addon and still chose to expose yourself to this known financial risk. What part your willingness to sink your time into a blackhole with no reliable return is the end user’s problem, exactly? I note you skirting around the allocation of personal responsibility here and that responsibility on your part doesn’t go away because you don’t want to talk about it.

See above, since you evidently haven’t tested your own addon in my region, which makes me even more thankful for your response.


I have to ask, what updater is that? I know that there are a handful of smaller ones that have been around for years. Like techic, atlauncher and ftb but none of them are any where near the size of curse forged.

MultiMC is what most mod creators left over the overwolf purchase. I consider the fact that the “forge” part of curse forge was originally made by minecraft modders that overwolf might be all that kosher. And I just don’t get good vibes from any of the overwolf applications i currently use (mostly just wowlogs uploader and it’s fflogs variant) because well they force themselves up when they auto run.

So I skimmed over that link for r/wow.

Looks like Overwolf is going to use a Fakebook to log you in as well? I don’t even have a fakebook, nor do I want a fakebook.

Secondly, I need a new computer my current computer barely runs the game. It would be nice to just go out and buy one but I have a son with a medical condition so priorities. I need that money for medicine, deductibles, gas, hotels, and other expenses I have monthly associated with his medical condition.

Why Bliz is allowing this I don’t know, maybe it’s normal crap and I am the weird one here. I only have a couple add ons but my healing add ons are a big deal. I play the game on weekends and sometimes during the week I can step away from the chaos and play for a few hours and just get lost in the world of Azeroth and just be a character in the game with no responsibilities or tragedies waiting for me around every corner.

So what do I do? I don’t know. I don’t want the bloatware. I just want to play the game and be a paladin healer.

Are any of these companies ever going to do the right thing and tell vampiric companies like overwolf enough is enough?


If you only have a handful of mods to update, you can just use the Curseforge web site and avoid the launcher all together. In all reality you don’t need to constantly be updating your mods, it is really only an issue with mods that frequently change like raid/instance helper mods.

And as I previously mentioned, you can check the Wago repo. They are starting to build their own alternative to Curseforge and WoWup will be using them going forward.


I read most of the responses. I am not very computer savvy. I don’t have the time to explore learning a computer on top of everything else. I am always apprehensive about doing these sorts of things because more times than not I’ve done more damage than good attempting these things.

I am going to look at it though, hopefully, I can figure it out.

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Here, let me get you started.


That is the link to the wago repo and a supported updater. Looking over their mod library, it seems to have most the big ticket and commonly used ones already.


Thank you so very much. You are an angel!

This looks like something I can work with!

No I think you misread that part. They are not going to require a facebook login. Curseforge doesn’t server just World of Warcraft. They serve out mods for many games including Minecraft. You need to be over 13 to create a facebook account.

Besides the quoted reddit post is a year old. If they were requiring facebook accounts we would of known about it by now.

man this thread is entitlement city lol. unless you want a creator’s club or an addonless game (which honestly would probably make me quit ngl because I know blizzard won’t properly incorporate addons into the game ) this is what we deal with. Don’t download any launcher’s and just use the site lol.

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Not working correctly in OCE isn’t the same as only working in the USA now is it? If you had reported the bug (if there is one) in the first place I’d be right on it.

The OCE servers are in NA. Calendar times that Blizzard displays are based on the Pacific Standard Time. Even those of us in the US don’t see our local time in the calendar unless we happen to live near to the West USA coast. It shows as 10:00am for everyone in the world regardless of region. For EU, that 10:00am is based on the CET time zone for everyone in EU.

For reference, these are all the same moment in time:

10:00am Pacific Standard Time (UTC -08:00)
6:00pm Christmas Island (UTC +07:00)
7:00pm Perth (UTC +08:00)
8:30pm Adelaide (UTC+10:30)
10:00pm Kingston (UTC +12:00)

Given this, when did you witness the Lunar Festival event starting this year?

The addon doesn’t turn everything on the moment the event starts if you are already logged in as it is happening, but if you log out and back in or /reload, it would then all appear.


I’m not going to be using any of it. I am going to use Wago. I don’t want the bloatware, my computer can not handle it and I can’t afford a new one right now. My only entertainment is WoW. I don’t have TV, cable, go to the movies, go out to eat or anything else. My entertainment money is my sub to WoW.

Indeed, I myself didn’t expect to see an addon dev come in here and get upset over people not wanting to use bloatware from an anti-competitive company with a reputation worse than Monsanto.


Or maybe he is tried of someone incorrectly telling him that he is breaking Blizzard’s addon policy and taking pot shots at his mod?


I’ve been doing this forever. Even my video card I manually install.

I run only 8 addons. Takes 5 minutes. I pop all 8 tabs to Curseforge, download, send to retail folder.

The only issue I have is that RIO requires a fresh copy and not an overwrite otherwise it hates me.

:mage: :dragon: :ocean::mage: :dragon: :ocean:

It moreso sounds like they’re upset over not making “market value” from people who don’t want to install bloatware to use addons that are, for all intents and purposes, supposed to be a free community effort.

Trying to compel users to install bloatware to install what is supposed to be a free community-driven extension, to a video game that is paid for by a box price and monthly subscription already, is arrogant. ESPECIALLY when other addon updaters, SUCH AS WOWUP, provide a means for its users to directly contribute to addon authors.


When most of the comments relating to your addon are Americans saying it “works great” and the other comments are in languages I don’t speak, it’s fairly evident when it works in one English speaking area of the world that I know of and not mine. Sure, I could report a bug, but so could all of the other OCE players who noticed it sit there for years and see no movement on it ever being fixed. Your bug’s been there for as long as you’ve implemented the feature and we stopped caring. At this point, coords are easier.

The calendar events in OCE have always been a day later than what’s marked, because the calendar doesn’t sync with our timezone’s date. The Lunar Festival will start on the 31st, not the 30th and will end on the 14th day of the calendar in reality, not the 13th as the calendar displays. By your addon relying on Blizzard’s calendar, it’s inherently inaccurate as the calendar is inaccurate, meaning we have to do the manual time conversion for events regardless. Unless there’s a calendar correction out there, which Blizzard should’ve implemented themselves), that’s how it’s always been.

None of your bug fixing will change that this shouldn’t be your main revenue stream. If you really want to be paid for your work, pick a different area that isn’t connected to a fan work owned by an IP holder that deliberately cripples income generation. As it is, your previous responses haven’t done you any favours.

Did you actually follow that discussion? If you had you would have seen it was in response to someone saying that they didn’t deserve to make a profit of their mods thru an ad service. It was him defending himself from a pointless and inaccurate claim someone else made.

And the fact that Blizzard charges for the game doesn’t have any value in the discussion, unless you are going to petition them to start splitting that profit with mod developers?