I don’t understand why we can’t disconnect whatever that API is from whatever licensing agreement they have and still make it work on WoWUp. This directly effects me now and I am very annoyed.
Can someone with IT knowledge chime in on why this isn’t possible?
Definitely going to be manually updating from now on, then. Not going to support this tactic. WoWup is amazing, simple, swift.
Legal reasons more so than anything else.
Do you HAVE to get Overwolf now, or does WowUp still work if you enable ads? I’m too lazy to download them manually.
The issue with doing it manually is you don’t actually know which addons need updating. That was the entire point of an addon manager to me. I do think that Blizzard needs to respond to this issue at this point.
Yeah, I was accounting for those _ v. - issue, but if addons are going to have folder names that differs from their name then that could be a problem. I haven’t seen any of those yet, although I do know of addons whose folder name doesn’t match what’s displayed in-game (e.g. “Move and Improve” is called “D4KIR” in-game).
I guess a bigger issue would be determining whether usage and distribution of such a script is even legal. My IANAL interpretation is “yes, scraping is legal and thus this is too”, but um…IANAL and am much of a risk taker.
In terms of add-on managers, any add-on author who forces users to download exclusively from Curseforge’s client needs to return any and all donations given to them by the community before they made the aforementioned decision if they care anything at all about ethics and respect.
Can’t work smarter than pushing one button to update everything in wowup.
Honestly, this. It is SO quick and easy to manually update your addons. I’ve always been extremely against things like wowup.
Let’s agree to disagree on that one.
So Overwolf wants a monopoly over the addon game. No thanks.
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Okay. And how many of those actually need to be updated outside of major patch releases?
Roughly 2/3s of them have been updated at least once since August (over a month after 9.1 patch release), so there’s your answer for my case.
And how do you know that one of your 35 addons needs an update and the others dont?
Are you going to select each one, one by one, and compare dates on your folder with dates on the addon page? That’s a no go for me.
Kinda tired of the dance around that WoW has a ToS where you can’t make money on your addons, they are supposed to be free, but people - like Overwolf - makes loads of money and gatekeep; all is based on Addons.
To me, it feels like this is just a hostile coctail of goo…
Either blizz adds their own “Addon Helper” to end all addon helpers, or they ban the profiteering outright.
Apparently, there is no middleground since people like Overwolf exist, that apparently “NEED” to be “top dogs”…
Oh and I still refuse to use Overwolf, I’ll just download individually if I must; or stop using addons in the worst case scenario - then Blizz would have to tune the game better and not with addons in mind.
Do you really have that many? Sometimes the ui can be a little misleading.
Raider.io is like 10 checkboxes, dbm is another 15, weakauras is 5, and altoholic is quite a few too.
35 distinct addons seems like a lot.
It’s probably more like 50. I can name some here without even being home.
TSM, DBM, Titan Panel, Dominos, Vuhdo, WeakAuras, SexyMap, Details, Killtrack, Mini Map Buttons, TidyPlates, TomTom, Paste, Gatherer, Raider IO, Pawn, Atlas Loot, Rare Scanner/Silver Dragon, Auctionator, OmniCC, MDT, RangeDisplay (if people don’t use this one, you should), GTFO, Quartz, Astral Keys, HandyNotes, Simcraft, Scrap, All the Things, Postal, Extender Character Stats, Decursive, Grid2, Shadowed Unit Frames…That’s 35.
on and on. That’s nothing to say about the specific ones like camel hoarder, maze helper and stuff like that.
Lol wow.
That is a lot. I guess the only recommendation I could make is to look and make sure you actually still use/want them all.
My pc is starting to show its age, so prior to SL I went through and cleaned out a bunch of addons I could live without.
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This pretty much
I could probably get rid of 80% of my addons
If you’re like me and wanting to manually download your addons, Lia. I’ve gone ahead and put a blurb in the Discord about how you can easily do that, and if you want, I can sit with you and help you figure it out if you’re willing to get in voice with me.
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