You are half right. Blizzard controls addons insofar as whether they work. Blizzard forced changes to the original Decursive and outright blocked Augmented Virtual Reality (AVR). What Blizzard does not control in any way, shape, or form, are distribution methods.
As for the rest of your post, you keep attacking me. Why? Do you gain anything saying false things and misquoting me? I’m not even going to start with your stupid notion about Windows’ API. By your thinking, WoW itself is owned by Microsoft and Apple, because without Windows and MacOS, WoW cannot install, let alone run.
Yes, you are correct. I am very salty. I am in such great debt that CFARP is keeping me alive.
Sigh. I like a good discussion, but you insist on saying childish things. Hopefully you look back on this one day and realize that everybody here is laughing at you. I shudder to think what people outside in the real world think.
Wow addons use the Lua API which Blizzard doesn’t own nor do they maintain.
Yes you absolutely can have an addon that uses 0% of Blizzard’s specific UIs and yes it will load in Wow. If any of your addons are using the Ace framework your already using one such addon.
Yes, that’s correct. You can’t possibly make a living except for maybe the top half a dozen addon authors, and it doesn’t pay for your time. Writing addons is a hobby. Think of it as a nice tip every few months.
Nope. It’s been part of the Ace framework for years and yet Blizzard haven’t done anything about it. As it’s not breaking anything. There’s nothing in the EULA preventing addons from not using anything from Blizzard’s Lua API.
There are paywalls on Curseforge, Wowinterface, Wago, and TukUI? I am so glad you told us, because I was worried that my free memberships were blocking access! No? None of that is true? There aren’t paywalls for those sites?
That would be childish, yes. It’s a good thing no addon author, myself included, expects to be paid. I don’t expect it, and using your word earlier, I don’t think users “should” pay me or other authors. If users choose to give donations, that’s fine. I agree they “should” be under no obligation. It’s a good thing they aren’t.
Addons are incapable of modifying the game files.
Blizzard introduced the addon ToS years ago, and it was a few years after the game launched. In the addon ToS, addons cannot ask for any financial compensation in any way presented to the user, which includes, but is not limited to, user interfaces and the files themselves (as the files can be read in any text editor).
You said “No addons can run with the wow client” which I refuted. No idea how you got to “but they shouldn’t charge for addons” from my reply.
They can’t shut off LibStub as it’s only using Lua functions to operate. If they were shut off the functions it uses it would literally neuter Lua to a point where NO addons would work.
Since you clearly didn’t read the post, here I’ll post it again.
There are tons, actually. The DBM author, oen of the biggest addon authors is adamant about getting paid and has been for quite some time. Many are with overwolf - because they get paid.
Good thing I didn’t say addon before then.
Yes, which means if it’s distributed in a way they don’t like they can revoke access of that addon to their game and make it no longer work. Hence, they can indeed control how addons are distributed.
No addons are allowed to run without Blizzard being OK with them. They can shut them out access from their servers or API at will, completely. One of those is by breaking the EULA, or distributing in a way they don’t like… Or say voice acting quest lines and such, which they’ve shut down projects doing that twice.
Hmm maybe you’re confusing
for ‘I’ll be back in less than 30 minutes’?
Further, the quote is “All add-ons must be distributed free of charge. Developers may not create “premium” versions of add-ons with additional for-pay features, charge money to download an add-on, charge for services related to the add-on, or otherwise require some form of monetary compensation to download or access an add-on.”
I didn’t claim there currently is a ‘paywall’ on websites I’ve claimed the case that if an addon breaks said rules it gets removed and no longer functions at Blizzards will- which Blu claimed for any addon using LUA API cannot be stopped from accessing Blizzards servers or from otherwise working, for some reason.
Further, there are plenty of addons that actually have ‘premium’ versions that technically break that clause but are still running. TSM is one I can think of, as is some raid logging services.
I guess it’s time for more addons to have installer auto update apps like and tradeskillmaster or for addon devs to adopt GitHub or something.
I am actually not surprised. I chose to specifically suffer with overwolf when they made the leap from twitch because I had a feeling this will be coming down eventually. Looks like I wasn’t wrong.
It’s a free service, just make Overwolf and curseforge not open on start up and you’ll suffer with curseforge every month doing your updates. Not a big deal.