They actually talk like that?
Yes i get in trouble for criticizing her about it
I completely agree.
It is a generational thing as we saw it with the Valley Girl in the early 1980’s and in the 1960’s “like” was way over used, “like for real man”. This is my third iteration of this linguistic quirk and I just filter it out.
How did this make it over 100 replies without one of the most obnoxious and overused terms?
Seems a bit… problematic, wouldn’t you say?
It does and I’m “shook”.
Take it from 007, it’s better than being stirred.
People who unironically use systems or #pulltheripcord I just assume are entitled whiners.
They are like Karen rallying cries on these boards.
Phrases mostly for me. But moist is a word I shudder involuntarily at. Thanks Dead Like Me!
Phrases like, “You’re thinking too much.” Or “You’re overthinking.” Thats a sure way to show someone who chose to share their thoughts with you that you do not care and dismiss what they think and even feel about something. Its rude and I dislike this quite a lot. Either tell someone you don’t want to hear it or hear it with grace and be constructive!
draws a deep, deep breath!
You seem bitter. Maybe you would be less angry about other people having money if you became more educated about how money really works. There is no set amount of money in the economy. Just because one person makes a lot doesn’t mean it’s being taken from others.
In WoW? Champion
Disproportionate/ly. Articles purporting to convey “What you need to know” about some issue.
Words don’t ‘trigger’ me.
But there are many overused words and many words that have lost all meaning here in GD.
Troll, white knight, mary sue, pay 2 win, simp, shill, forced, the majority, toxic, bullying
The overused and annoying words you see on-line have siblings of a sort if you’re unfortunate enough to have to participate in planning meetings in a corporate setting where marketing and/or management are attending. I’m retired so some of these may have finally died, but I’m sure they’ve been replaced with equally bad ones if they have.
So annoying words and phrases from work :
Bleeding edge
Dialogue (as a verb)
Granular focus
New Normal
Organic (Organic growth)
On our (your) plate
Paradigm Shift
Take This Offline (meaning “shut up we don’t want to talk about that”)
Think Outside The Box
Table (see take offline above)
Table stakes
Take Ownership
Touch base
Value proposition
Work Smarter, Not Harder
110% (1,000%)
ROI, ROA, for that matter any and all TLAs
It’s a fun word to say.
Folks misusing the word gaslighting annoys me.
My god, this is so annoying when used here. Real people are gaslighted by the people they love to think horrible things. Let’s not throw the meaning of this word away over a video game
High IQ
Joe rogan
If anyone says that have. High iq they don’t
Well that joke sure missed its intended target.
no words bother me, unless its coming from a person i dont like. then every word bothers me