Around the forums, the phrase “It’s time” always seems to preceed something that’s a non-issue that doesn’t really need changing/addressing.
You have to admit it would be a game changer for the person saying it.
ihy so much
but… “it’s time”, because “everyone thinks the thing needs changing”.
(which just reminded me of another pet hate!)
“this needs changed” and “this needs fixed”.
i mean … can we at least try to use actual language?
“this needs changing/fixing”
“this needs to be changed/fixed”
changed is past tense, so something can’t “need changed” or “need fixed”.
these people need slapped.
“We” when stating a personal opinion or desire, as if talking for the entire community.
It’s to early my friend. Have some coffee
“Like” bothers me …
Any slang words that seems to have no meaning in English< if they ever were in the first place.
I was going to say “Just about any word Gen Z uses.”
That’s literally cringy, bro.
like, it only like, bothers me, when like, it’s like every second like… word.
do people who do this have any internal dialogue?
does it take them 5 times longer to think through a basic action?
does their brain do this when they attempt to have a thought?
“like, i have to like, close my like, hand, like, around this like, glass, and like, lift my like, arm, to like, my face, so i can like… take a like… drink”
Well it’s like this, you are communicating you ideas to me why use an off language to express something that is not understandable . Do I have to learn sign language to decipher a common language? Do I have to look up 5 books as well to understand what you’re saying? It seems that way now a days.
I just really think the queen/king thing is extremely overused at the moment
To add on to this, I also feel it’s a bit lazy. If I’m gonna go through the effort of complimenting someone, I should highlight the reason. Actual discussion and such. The king / queen thing, while it can be genuine, takes no effort. It’s like an effortless freebee.
You nailed it, my thoughts exactly
“like, i have to like, close my like, hand, like, around this like, glass, and like, lift my like, arm, to like, my face, so i can like… take a like… drink”
Thats not even an exaggeration either my sister does the tiktok thing on her phone or the thing where kids send each other voice texts instead of typing and because she has no respect for anyone her phone volume is always at the loudest so that everyone in the house can hear it and the people her age on those apps literally talk like that its awful
There’s definitely a mental hiccup