Pretty much any words used by money pit capitalist parasites to claim anyone who doesn’t stab his fellow man in the back to acquire more and more wealth for the sake of it “is just lazy and not working hard enough.”
Especially when they were either born or married into wealth, or made it gambling or pushing paper for some rotten hedge fund.
Almost as bad is when they claim anyone who thinks you should have to actually do anything with wealth in order to deserve praise for it is “just jealous.”
“Demon Daddy”
“Tall drink of water”
“Friend of gnomes”
“Kind to gnomes”
Just to name a few.
@ Cutiecut I’m sensing some serious gnome hatred here. Did you miss sensitivity training again?
I love gnomes. They’re the best and I’m obsessed with them! I just hear people saying these things to me too much and it gets repetitive.
I mean, come on, people! You don’t have to call me “sexy” and “friend of gnomes,” that’s redundant!
This thread is so whiny.
This… I hate when people say this. It adds nothing to your point.
Would you rather I say “to clarify”? Know that I’ll only listen if you love gnomes
or just saying.
I mean, like, honestly i feel attacked right now thats so, like, cringe man
Just saying
Cringe reply.
I just think it must mean people who fart a lot.
I’m kind of annoyed “gaslighting” became overused and had its usage warped. Same thing that happened to the word “triggered”.
Just because you like something doesn’t mean it’s a masterpiece. Zack Snyder’s Justice League still sucks.
For… like everything you dislike.
“Free” : This is usually used for describing things that you need to buy it to get it for “free”, when it’s not free because of that. Or it’s another common usage is usually defending microtransactions or other anti-consumer practices. Essentially this word makes me more wary then excited.
Not to use your comment here, but another (though not a word) phrase that is overused is “I don’t care”: If one don’t care, then they shouldn’t need to make that comment.
how about “sunday” lulz
Literally, toxic, cancer, people that don’t know the difference between affect and effect.
Damn, that makes about 90% of forum posts
Every generation has it’s own slang, and I try not to get wrapped up in the whole, “kids these days!!!” harumphing. Yeah, it’s a tradition that goes back to Socrates, but it’s tired, tedious tradition that has never served to benefit anything.
In terms of lingo? … There are some things II’m fine with, and somethings I just cringe at. Something being “cringe” as a description, ironically, isn’t one of them.
But… the word “Bae”? … Ugh.
I can’t say that any word “Triggers” me (I’ll skip words unrelated to WoW) but I’m kind of over being called Maw Walker, Champion, Land Walker or Hero.
Karen, in fact using any proper name as a put-down, I’ve known a number of women name Karen, none of them were self-entitled b*tches
Also Abbreviation, I feel it should be shorter