My Worgen’s stag form is tied to her RP. A wolf or updated cheetah would be awesome, but they need to have the stag available in the barber shop for everyone as an option still.
Should’t we talk about the lack of moonkin option that most people ask about instead? I swear that they are really just using the easy/lazy way instead of making effort to give us something that doesn’t just need a copy/past.
I’ve seen pictures of them. The art–which is simply just a recolor–is already done. No idea why they were never implemented. No idea why KT and Zandalari aquatic forms have an entire palette, but neither flight forms do… or why KT ground travel forms have the recolor but Zandalari do not. It’s just stupid.
They could just add a new learned glyph so as to allow the choice for high res or O.G. version. Might as well add glyphs for claws of shirvallah forms too… the worgen version of that is one of the best cat forms in game IMHO
I just want my black KT bird. Bliz, please take the aquatic form colors and apply them to flying form like you were supposed to during BfA. I’m pretty sure the work has already been done, because I’ve seen the pictures on some slide that was shown at Blizcon…