Overcrowded Realm Update

Nah I’m happy with the GROBMOB. I foresee all of the servers staying alive with healthy populations and Herod just having massive 3-4 hour queues, maybe a few of the pve servers will have population issues since there won’t be much to do outside of raiding.

How dare you provide logical and common sense solutions :grin:

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You do know PvE servers don’t have deleted PvP right? It just removes UNWANTED PvP optionally. Even on PvE realms STV was a god damn war zone in vanilla when people went there for the purposes of PvP and flagged themselves. BGs exist, farming exists, dungeons exist. Why are you using a Retail logic of the entire game being nothing but raiding?


I’m a believer in classic, i didn’t mean it like “Oh they dead servers lul”.

I just meant that, inevitably, one server will become THE populated PVP server and ‘win out’ so to speak. Others will then leave the lower populated servers to go to what the community perceives as THE big server. Over time, it creates a snowball affect over 6 months - 2 years.

it happens with every game that has servers. Even in retail wow there are a handful of FULL servers seen as “THE” servers to be on, and everyone else is second class realm. crys in skullcrusher

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Well i took the 10k from the blizzard post and then i picked a number to divide that by any amount and get a number.

Just incase you want to question this fruther:

That isn’t really blindingly obvious anything. I can roll on herod make my name “dfhsbxhzjs” then hop on the xferonly realm and take Thex

So what is your solution have everyone just leave? You’re going to have a queue no matter what it seems unless everyone leaves lol
My solution is to let the hype decay naturally to avoid having the player base split. Stay herod if you want your high pop cluster

I really appreciate this communication. It provides us with the information we need to make informed decisions.

So far, I have encouraged my guild NOT to move - I didn’t want to create a situation where we were realm hopping four or five times prior to launch.

It appears though, that this is exactly what’s needed.

Right now the whole server is just waiting for other guilds to blink and move. In reality someones going to move eventually because the overall wait time is going to make playing nigh impossible. The answer is the sooner people balance out the clearly over populated realm the sooner they may get a chance at a new server. Thus the answer may be to not play on

Even with natural decay and people fleeing because of queue times i would bet there will still be problems going into phase 2.

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This is why you dont open character creation until launch.

edit - name reservations didnt help either as it basically incentivized the dogpiling. I didnt give a fk tho and just rerolled stalagg

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Wow, really? Even after the Layering is disabled? Or are you considering “layering” as “part of the server” (which it shouldn’t be, since Layering should be “turned off after a few weeks” according to Ion and co.)

Add more servers. Lower server caps. Also, another US West PvP Server would be nice.


Man, Blizzard has it really rough. This is what i took from this thread

Players: Blizzard, we know you are never going to turn off layering, because the populations on the servers are so high they will never be turned off.

Also players: Blizzard, how to you expect to handle when the drop off happens and you don’t have enough people left on Stalagg or other new pvp realms to support a healthy population.

Also players: Blizzard, we need more pvp realms NOW!

Also players: Ain’t no way I’m voluntarily moving off herod, what if the population dies off on the other servers???

Also players: Blizzard, get your stuff together, cause the realm pops are too high and you can never turn off layering wtf.

It’s like a big schizophrenic mesh. Everyone thinks they know everything or how everything will pan out. No matter what they do, 50% of the population will be happy and 50% will not.


You want people to move? Name a new server “ASHBRINGER”, people will definitely jump there. Especially the pallies.


Hell yeah!

Thanks very much for the informative update and the great news of your dedication to preserving community cohesion, terrific!

Alright, so this is less than ideal. But honestly… This isn’t the time to fall apart. I’m sure there will be free server transfers available from Herod to Stalagg very shortly after launch.

This is an inconvenience, not a crisis. Act like adults and handle the minor issue. Christ, if you can’t handle this I don’t know how you’re going to handle your raid leaders.

Edit: meant to post on my main. Stupid mobile.

Incoming Alexensual rant/ cry.

Most of the population is going to be happy because WE GOT VANILLA FINALLY AND WE’RE PROVING THEM WRONG



Irony…just pure irony. rofl

My only concern is that Blizzard will overcompensate for WoW Classic’s popularity and add more and more servers to the detriment of its long-term health. A large pool of realms will thin out all of the realms a few years from now as the game’s popularity stabilizes. And, to fill in the gaps, we will have cross-realm once again, which was one of the major aspects that killed realm community. Look at how trigger-happy WildStar was at launch: they tripled their server count to compensate launch popularity only to merge them all in one horrible mess a year later. And, one of the core reasons why many people are excited about playing Vanilla again is because of community. Just don’t be too trigger happy about adding new realms. At Blizzcon, you guys stated that you would keep the realm pool small for this reason. I hope you follow through.

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