Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

Layers do not reduce queues. Having read the blue note yesterday, it clarifies what Layers do. All layers do is make it more possible for those 17k people to be able to have some chance of getting their quests done. It does not reduce queue times. Queue times are those 17k people all trying to get INTO the world where they can be separated into those infamous layers.

Did anyone get something different out of their reading of the blue post regarding layers?


So when does it stop? People moved to Stalagg from Herod. Who’s to say Stalagg won’t be full in a couple of days? Move to Skeram? What will happen when the large majority of players sub up on launch day and fill Skeram? At some point it’s no longer on us, Blizzard has to do something else.


Yeah I’m personally fine with Blaumeux but its rep is for being called “Blow Me” and people don’t want to go on that. Fairbanks has also not been the greatest name.


Is this a joke? From the beginning Blizz has severely underestimated demand and even now, while servers go from zero to high pop in less than 48 hours, you admonish people for creating characters on servers where their friends are?

This is going to continue to happen up to and through launch. The lack of foresight on display here is astonishing. Your initial batch of servers was about half of what many people expected. Open up half a dozen more realms and give people more than a couple of hours to prepare and see what happens.

Holy crap, this is embarrassing.


I went there BECAUSE it’s Pacific and fits me, and it’s new and lower pop. People are just stubborn and bull-headed, refusing to move. Not really Blizz’s fault. :slight_smile:


None of you people on Full realms are going to be able to play. Hope you didnt take a vacation for launch week.

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I’d be more inclined to make characters on lower population servers if I didn’t have to delete my reserved names


SIMPLE FIX. ADD more layers!! Then just never remove the layers until pop goes down. Why make people wait in que AT LAUNCH?? You can introduce queue after like a month when most people leave.


I just hope you remember how to dismiss your pet. ;p

Nost was crapolacola total crap.

If any realm listed as medium should expect Queue times, why are there not already 10 more realms online to allow the playerbase to spread out in preparation for launch? I understand that you might have “The ability to quickly bring more realms online” as your paper shield, but that does not excuse the fact that you are telling us that realms listed as “Medium” will have queue timers. Why are those realms not listed as “High”? Why are realms that are Full not barred from new players making characters on them? If you want this issue to be resolved, give the playerbase the means to resolve that issue! Stop slowly turning up the oxygen flow to a suffocating community!


Why should people who made their plans when servers were initially announced, coordinated with their own, and other guilds, and all created their characters the moment it was possible, be forced to switch now? How can you be such a bootlicker as to say this is not blizz fault?


Adding more layers just means less people per layer. Again… This does not have anything to do with the Queue…
Hypothetically… 10k people can access the server at one time. Then 5k can join a queue to wait.
Now, with those 10k already in game, they are among 10 layers. That’s still 10k people on the server, just split into 10 different layers.
Now your idea is add more layers…
10k People on the server, 20 Layers.
Now 10k people are spread across 20 layers, and 5k people are still waiting in the queue… Do you get where this is going? adding layers doesn’t do anything to queue time.


Just open more servers and let us transfer those names. Make another Horde sounding server for PvE as well because Horde will not budge from Mankrik as that is the only Horde majority PvE server for NA.


Its absolutely mind-boggling that they haven’t locked the full realms.


My idea is to remove the player cap and have all 50k people in game spread among 20 layers.

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No silly, it says ABOVE Medium population.


Not being a bootlicker, just stating facts. They said they were starting small and would expand as necessary. There’s a low pop server RIGHT NOW. Move or sit in queues your choice. Either way, don’t blame someone else for your, your guild, whoever, whatever’s unwillingness to adapt.

10k people on a server cap is terrible in this day and age. What kind of nacho cheese dorito are they running the servers on?


People are acting like Blizzard is asking you to leave your level 60 main for a new server…