Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

What does that even mean? The private server people are the entire reason you stand here today. Don’t ostracize the people who aim to help you.


We need another PVE server, there are no low/medium options


why not lock the servers and force people that havent made their toon yet to make on another server? its that easy. or u could make more server so player will want to play on them.


Unless you want to go RP-PVE which I think my group is seriously considering even though none of us will RP

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Don’t be naive. The movement wasn’t done by private server players, it was done by larger community advocates and these forums, even before they stepped on a private server, and then joined in after by the private server masses when Nostalrious was becoming popular and eventually canned. The private server “community” was so small back in the day, most servers were full gear WSG/AV clients that you could just PvP in Battlegrounds on.


and you just proved my point.

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Thank you, my man. We all want different things. While all of us here wanna play vanilla, some only wanna play the mechanics of it, but have the population of private servers, because that is what is fun for us. I think i do because i know i do! Giving us the option of a mega-server will fix all of this. Because everyone refusing to switch realms will all flood the no cap realm and everyone that wants the authentic vanilla experience can have it on the other realms. It will please everyone!


Here is where I am at. My guild and all of my friends are set to join Faerlina EST PVP. We WANT to be on a streamer realm. We are worried that the servers will be locked and our friends who are resubbing on release day won’t be able to join us. However, if it’s going to be so crowded that we won’t even be able to get into the QUEUE, then that is bad. We would consider moving. But we just don’t know until release day/week. There will be some people who will hate the queue and move before we all do. So for us, it’s like… do we wait it out and see if a huge portion of players leave, or do we jump ship now and reserve our names. I think if we had more name reservations, we would make characters on both realms and see what happens there. If you allowed up to 6 names to be reserved, I think a lot of people would do the same.


I’m down :eyes:


I think maybe there’s an easy solution here. Lock full servers, open new ones. I would happily transfer off of my EST PvE realm if I had another option.


Blizzard clearly never understood why people wanted Classic servers.

“You think you do, but you don’t.” was such a ridiculous statement that’s coming back to bite them.


Look I get it, there are two sides of the coin. I know the negatives to having a over crowded server and they do suck, but a packed server can really bring out what wow was meant to be. Yea… I am a private server rat and proud, I like to play what I like to play. But I am just afraid to fall for the classic “Leave Malganas for this better server” and then its dead.

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3 hours? You are in for a surprise.


Are they going by the characters we made? Or by the individual users? Because if they’re counting the character created, then that’s silly…

I heard Skeram is full, you should probably stay away…

Part of this is on Blizzard for initially not releasing many servers for people to choose from. There wasn’t a lot of choice, especially for pvp pst players. Now players risk fracturing themselves away from old and new friends by attempting to move onto a lower pop realm.


Suggestion: Change Blaumeux’s server name to something that is good, to make people want to move there. It’s a west coast server with a terrible French-sounding name; the only remotely French thing nearby is Quebec, and that’s pretty much east coast. It’s the server name choice; this is why it will fill up slow - nobody is digging the name. Just my 2 cents.


“Skeram belongs to the Horde.”

LMAO why the hell would anyone care “how cool” their server name is?


Wild and crazy idea. If you don’t want people continuing to roll new toons on a, presumably, massively full server: lock it so no new character creation.