Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

Feelsgood rolling Blammo

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Layers don’t increase the amount of players on a server, they decrease the amount of players competing for resources in a zone.


How do you know the server cap is 10k?

If you guys poop the bed we are all going back to private servers except this time we will have this sweeet 1.13.2 client and we will never ever come back.

Damn…you are so right!

Just open a Hogger-PvP or PvE realm, lock new character creation and only allow transfers from full realms of the same realm type. Problem solved.

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Nah, I think it’s due to everyone already joining their new guild’s discords and building up a small community, reminiscing about Classic while they wait for release.


Just think… the population will double on each realm when the game launches.

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lmao ikr, 10k pop is a medium pop realm on a private server. 7k is dying. and 5k is dead.

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Give us the OPTION for megaservers as well. There can be regular size and megasize.


And that Low Pop server will be High Pop by tomorrow and the situation will be the exact same. Real 5Head solution.


is this not them trying to prevent it

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Hey champ, I know you might have missed it but Blizzard has said a few times in different threads (including this thread) that even the Medium pop servers on Classic are much larger population cap than even the most full servers in original vanilla.

The servers are already mega servers.


I don’t but they are making it seem like the server can’t run with 20k people on it.

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If you read the post over again, some of those servers are so full you CANT EVEN GET INTO the queue system. That’s how insanely full they are. You have to get in a queue, just to get into the real queue.


So? That just means that Medium should be listed as High, and any realm expected to have a queue should be listed as Full; Because it is.



Please Blizz! People know what theyre getting themselves into, and thats what some want! Just give us the option.


What you guys are failing to realize is that THIS IS A BUSINESS!!!
They have to pay for the uptime of these servers, whether they are accessed or not.
Why would they release a bunch of servers now and spend HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars, when they can just as easily boot them up as they need them and save themselves… HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.
I mean… Use your heads guys…

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Who cares who’s fault it is now? There’s a problem… Blizz and the community need to work together to fix it for a smooth launch. Being stubborn about it will make the problem worse, not better.

I personally think expanding name reservations to 6 will help this problem a great deal. It gives people wiggle room.

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Exactly. It’s not even a level 1. Yea, it sucks that you might lose your name. Y’know, in 14 years I never EVER got my first choice in name. We’ve all had to come up with creative adaptions of our preferred name.

Maybe six months from now, we all petition Blizz to release the names that were never used past launch day…

Rigggght, except that people who cant play the game they are paying a $15/mo sub for are quickly going to run out of reasons to continue to pay.