Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

inb4 you get logged out from the server due to inactivity once you get in and were too busy hanging with the fam (whatever fam means)

I just subscribed a few minutes ago but i will wait and put my characters on new pvp server Bigglesworth

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Nah boi I’m not going to even bother trying to be in the first rush. I’ll probably try logging later that night. I have a whole week off coming, no need to asmon my head into the keyboard every time I try to tag a mob on the first day.

What should that faith be based on? Past acts by blizzard?

Was the BFA launch something that was horribly mismanaged to you?

Did the smart thing, moved myself and three friends to Grobbulus. Thank you Blizzard! See you on the field, Grobbers.

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Paying money to reserve names and then play something doesn’t count in your book?

7 out of 14 is a “select few”, and with 3 days till the game experiences a horde of resubs?
Are you for real?

What part of “no incentive” do you and others not understand? Why should players with names they snagged on day 1, having taken off work and resubbed 2 weeks early to get, give those names up? I have 1 toon on Herod and it is staying, full stop. Why? Because if I wanted a toon with a name that I didn’t want I can get that on launch day, with one of my 47 remaining character slots.

To sum up:
There is no incentive to move from the full realms.


Then why are you posting on a toon 10 levels below the cap?

Well if i cant play on the server I want at launch, I guess I can always make a character on an RP server and get my RP on.

There is that also, i feel your pain, i have never ganked, personally, been ganked and camped plenty. I was mostly trying to be funny.
I have however sucessfully defended myself against being ganked, but the sucess number is but a fraction of the deaths i suffered, due to, as you say, the faction being many levels higher and most often a stunlock rogue with the pvp stunlock maces.
This brings back some frustrating moments, and i thank you for your insight as well as your reply. But i am still going to roll pvp and hopefully kevel fast enough as to not be 20 levels lower than the aforementioned, “ganker”.
I hope this post meets all or most of the grammatical and proper writing skills of the grammer police, who continue to haunt me like a squirrel seeks out his nuts in the fall!

Damn, i tried to indent my paragraphs, guess im cursed with being an proper english structure idiot, lmao!

I feel like in an effort to balance future server population to ensure success, the current approach to normal servers is very much sacrificing launch. Seems like an awful lot of money to drop into something that might get such negative publicity due to server population on launch.

Honestly, I want to play on a low / medium server population. I also want to play on an east coast server. Initially, I signed up for a pacific coast server because it had a low population. But then it spiked to high so I deleted those characters and moved to an east cost server. Essentially, if I am going to get stuck with massive login queues regardless of where I play, I might as well play on the east coast.

I am sure there is some analytics group out there that has some forecasting model that thinks it has a great idea on how much attrition each realm will get based on any number of variables. I am guessing that model didn’t consider attrition due to inability to play the first couple of weeks.

Please. For the love of all that’s holy. Do the smart thing and add at least 2 more normal servers. Preferably 3.



Send me $7.50. I’ll accept PayPal. Anyone else who has $7.50 can also send it to me, since it is a trivial amount that you’d not even miss.

Why are there so many clowns on the forums who cannot grasp that any amount of money pissed away on absolutely nothing is a waste of that money. It doe’s not matter how many pumpkin spice lattes it would buy.

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Or you can ask for, and receive, a refund.


What, you are suddenly not willing to toss money around on non-things? Seriously, I am more than willing to take the $7.50 that you would not even notice.

So… why isn’t there a cap on certain realms after a certain population? Why does full not mean beyond capacity in the traditional sense? As in no more allowed?

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It has absolutely NOTHING to do with “being able to afford it”. The average person doesn’t care enough about reserving a name to waste money. I could afford to throw money at the bums begging for cash at the stop light, too, but I have the sense not to.

If you think the majority of people that are going to play are willing to sub 2 weeks early for nothing, you’re gonna be :surprisedpikachu: on launch.

Almost every Realm is Full or High now. even the RP realms are almost High lol!

This really shows what a great product Blizzard had with the original WoW release.
It was a true MMORPG and many people in my EverCrack raid guild went to WoW because it fit better with their life situation. (EQ was very demanding on time) Both EQ and WoW were true MMORPGs unlike so many games in the genre that are more like MMO-FPS single player hybrids and many with pay-to-win game functionality built in.

I hope the industry and genre take note at the interest in WoW Classic because the players that love true MMORPGs have been disenfranchised for a very long time. Look at all these people who love to play a true MMORPG.