Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

The game hasn’t even started yet and Herod already failed!?

Everyone leave Herod quick, it failed!

Wait, no one’s leaving…

People saying the servers should just be mega huge with 50k + pop and layering are forgetting about the auction house. Having 25k+ players per realm flooding 1 auction house would be insane; the market would tank because there’s just too much supply.


They’re just fly over states, they don’t matter. j/k

Yes, we do. I’ve been posting for a couple of days now.

It does not actually say that the cap on people who can log in and play is same as vanilla. It says they arent going to raise the cap “further” - which can just as easily be interpreted as they have actually raised it, and could raise it more, but are choosing not to.

Why are people sittin n thier pants before launch. Makes no sense, just wait and see, threatening before the fact is childish and similar to " i wont eat my peas unless i get some icecream afterwards" just chill and wait and see. No sense in gettin worked up of a might be or a could be!!!

So, ALL the normal ones.
I see only 1 low- Blaumeux- and 3 mediums.
I do believe this is clear cut proof you need more servers open, especially considering that there WILL be people subbing on launch day.

come on blizz, 1 more RP-PVP, 2 more PvE, 3 more PvP, that should be enough

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Yet they’re saying not to make characters on full servers, find me an est pve server that isn’t full.

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They should have locked the servers LONG ago. It’s too late now. The damage is done.

Just Thanos this place up. Snap half of the population off and lock them.


Well no sh*t dude. You gave people the opportunity to try and plan their characters and where groups of people were going to play. Not everyone is going to all sub 2 weeks early to reserve their characters just to be told by you to throw them away and switch realms 6 days before launch. Not everyone was sitting there at 3pm at the exact same time, more than you are anticipating are joining to try and play with their friends on these “high pop realms” who started the planning process. Maybe because they trusted you when you said your layering tech would be effective, because they had no choice when you ignored their requests for “vanilla meaning vanilla.”

Do not act like your poor planning of this has anything to do with the community that has endlessly told you from the beginning that it wanted this. All you had to do was not low-ball the server estimate as if this was a niche unpopular game.

You can’t try to sell people on reserving their spot on a server and then tell them they should leave because suddenly you don’t feel confident about the system that you forced on them. I hope the world sees those servers struggle exactly as they would have if you didn’t force layering on everyone.

Incredible irony that you’re asking communities to scramble and merge and possibly split, to avoid the original “danger” of “having too many servers” that you would then have to merge and affect communities.


Whitemane is full! :sob:

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Seems the best course will be a couple of PvE realms, I mean, PvE has been sitting at the same population as PvP realms, and yet more PvP ones keep getting opened.

I sincerely hope over the weekend they do some server damage control.

The qualm with opening servers one or two at a time, is that once people get names, or involved in the community of their server (Such as the Discord servers for each server) they develop an attachment to that server and aren’t going to keep being refugees one at a time and constantly deleting to move. Be it loyalty or laziness, clearly, people aren’t moving. Everyone zerged Herod, so Stalagg spawned, Stalagg got high, so the new one whatever it’s named opened for PvP EST. People are tired of moving every day.

Just give people some PvE servers in PST and EST, one more PvP server, and one more RP-PvP server.

Second and last change. Blaumeux Crew til we die. For the Alliance!

This feels like The Titanic. Not enough lifeboats. We sinkin’. Someone’s playing the violin. Why didn’t you bring more lifeboats blizz? You knew we were going to need them.

Just open more servers. Thx.


Sir! Blammo Crew TIL we die! Sir!

For the Alliance!

You can write a lot but can’t read… PVP servers are overflowing not PVE. In the words of Zoidberg “Your post is bad and you should feel bad”. I have no expectations for your future with you low and limited IQ and EQ. Nicest way I could phrase this.


:o you know the pve are all full now too riight?

ALL of those realms are gonna have 10k+ queues

We are all POed because mankrik filled up… I wanna say… monday and theres still no update on a new pve server…

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imagine wanting to play on pve lol


Both of the North American Eastern Time PvE realms are listed as full; it’s not possible to create a character on, or move to realm that isn’t full unless I want to move to a Pacific Time realm, and even those are both listed as being at high population. I’m certain that after launch both Pacific Time PvE realms will reach full and moving to those is pointless; we really need another PvE realm for both Eastern Time and Pacific Time.