Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

I would gladly move my characters from my current full PVE East server if I were given a new low-med population option. As of now, if I want to play on a PVE server east coast, I am stuck with queue times :frowning:


Seems like Blizzard thought they did, but didn’t… know how many people actually wanted this. There’s going to be many more subs come launch day. Not everyone was willing to pay for 2 months of no game time.

These servers should have been locked and no new character creations when it started to get crazy full. It should not be on the player to transfer servers 3 times before launch because Blizzard refuses to lock servers and open more.

We keep hearing how low pop now would be larger than a full server in vanilla. Yet they refuse to open new servers because they want healthy population on servers!? You think all of these full servers will be lower then low pop even with a large chunk leaving shortly after launch? Come on man!

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All PVE realms are above high and both EST realms are at full. You want PVE players to create characters or move where now? Or are you just fine with the entire PVE population sitting 2+ hour queues for weeks or months on end. WIth the EST players having the option of choosing a FULL realm or the other FULL realm.


Pull your heads out of your butts, Blizz. You need to lock those servers or people will just keep on going where their friends are.

“But we don’t want to do that…”

Well, people are stupid. Lock the servers. THEN, open a new PVP and PVE server on the appropriate time zones.

It’s not rocket science. You’re just being stubborn.

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Horrid excuse. I was out building a fence when the need that Stalagg was opening up. That was 45 minutes. In that 45 minutes our whole guild got on for name reservation.

Sounds like you need to get your guild communication in order and quit making excuses.

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Change the name of “Blaumeux” and ill peace out from Whitemane

Hey. It takes 2 seconds to move a character. More excuses. I’d you are stuck on a FULL pop server it’s because you refused to switch. Period.

Enjoy them queues. I’ll be on that grind.

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Because there are people who have spent their adult lives working on this game who have a much better understanding of the infrastructure they’re dealing with and the statistics behind players’ decisions than you. They know what they’re doing, you don’t.

They aren’t adding loads of servers because they don’t want multiple, sparsely populated realms that will die after a large chunk of the playerbase leaves. They are waiting for servers to fill up entirely because adding one at a time funnels players to the new server predictably and evenly. They are expanding queues and refusing to lock servers to allow those who really want on those realms the chance.

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You should open another rppvp server so i can move over. :slight_smile: Thanks

What you want them to do?

They can’t force people of realms O_o

Open servers with names like Mograine and Patchwerk and I’m sure people will start to disperse.

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I’d like to keep my name, thanks champ. I am off the whole week and my character will never log out of the server once in so queues won’t be an issue.

Keep making excuses for Blizzard, thats how you get BFA.

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When people start crying on Monday and Tuesday of next week, I’d love to hear one of you Blues say, “We tried to told ya.”

If you are concerned about keeping an amicable image, you could probably get Josh to do it.

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Seems logic escapes you. You have a fanboy issue with thinking that the devs are the same people that make server choices and that there aren’t multiple departments in Blizzard who separate responsibilities. Their community post responses have been conflicting. They want to hesitate on server additions to maximize player density for the drop-off, but they have continued to not release information to pose as guidance for players to know what low/medium/high/full correspond to. They only warned about Herod and now suddenly near every NA server is at risk of high queues. You want to pat them on the back, when in reality that are handling this very poorly in both communication and player setup.


Well they CAN xD

No one would consider that a reasonable option xD

Need additional PVE Eastern Time servers…

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Yep, I’m waiting till the weekend to resub. I still haven’t decided if I want to be on a PVE or a PVP server!

Imagine underestimating vanilla wow’s success and popularity for the second time. It’s simply a superior game to anything that came after it. A bitter pill to swallow for the BFA department.


Sound like a transmog fan eh?

What’s the use of having a name when you can’t play?

Some of you are next level acme anvil brain dead.