Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

Imagine adding something relevant to the conversation : o

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I did though
I am mocking you for being a simp and playing on a PvE server
that’s very meaningful discussion


That’s actually very amusing and we could argue all week till classic comes out =D
on another thread
but we have a common enemy… crappy pve AND pvp servers.

You keep saying this but aren’t creating more PvE servers like where are you expecting people to create characters to take the load off the full servers. You definitely need two more PvE servers in the eastern region.

And just stop people from being able to make characters on these servers. It is hardly fair to the people who made characters within the first 10 minutes not to be able to even get into a queue because others have no common sense.

you guys are having problems even getting your servers high pop - people who don’t want to RP are having to make characters on your servers - last thing they need is another RP server which will force people to make characters on a server they don’t want to be on.


I got my name on the 16th… when my server was medium…

It would be nice if I didn’t have to migrate or queue

I am 100% open to leaving for a medium server… I don’t even care about the names. Just gief another PVE NA EST server

you know, you don’t have to play on launch day when the servers are going to be bogged down, right? you can come in the day after.
I myself am okay with putting up with the que times, I can do other things to distract myself.

It won’t be just launch day - it will be a few days if not a week.

lol this is delusional and is not vanilla like.
10k+ people on one server at once is stupid…


I too will be fapping through the queues but theres a limit lol I don’t want to log in at 6pm and only start playing at midnight

then don’t you think you should be opening servers for those who are high and full after stating this???

This is exactly the kind of thing that has so many people so angry with you guys over the game in general. You see an issue staring you in the face and you STILL IGNORE IT!

You want classic to fail or you want it to succeed, the choice is yours. I’ve been waiting along with so many others for this day to come, I had given up hope several times that I’d even live to see it if you said it was coming, but now that i’m less than a week away, without major health issues at the moment, the last thing I want is to be stuck in a flippin’ queue you KNEW was coming.

It is easy to say switch to another server, but you are asking people who reserved names to swap from an overloaded server to ANOTHER overloaded server by your OWN ADMISSION!

It’s stupid. Classic had 3k server caps. Why would we want the same amount as retail, which is much higher, when what we are after is the vanilla community?

thats like asking us to move from small town to Big City. We need a chance to choose Small Town if that is what we like. Without endless server hopping as they open, just to be filled before yet another one comes up.

That’s plain and simply bullsh*t.


Not me- PVE Oceanic is still medium at the moment :stuck_out_tongue:

Here here for the original server size. patch 1.13.2 cant come fast enough! With the removal of layering, we will be forced into the lower pop realms.

What blizzard will do, once they see the ‘tourists’ becoming residents is simple: they will have to open more realms!

Cant wait!

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Lol, go to a private server that will be shut down before you get to 60? If you think ANY private server will last any decent amount of time or have any semblance of a healthy population after official Classic launches, you’re str8 delusional bud.


Seriously? Blaumeux = Blow mo. Best server name available.

No what they will do, is let it fester as queue’s until those who are only there to check out the hype, never have a chance to actually see what the hype is all about. Who the hell wants to sit in a queue? No one.

How many people will leave due to queue’s that put you into a server 3 plus times more populated than the highest vanilla server? You won’t get those people back again Blizzard.

Nost player here! I’d like reasonable numbers of players, I switched off the Nost PvP server as soon as the PvE server opened because 7k concurrent was too many players for me. So yeah, plenty of us want vanilla-like pops.


you do realize the private servers have been there for years.

So much drama. I just want to play the game. Make it so Blizzard. Do what it takes. Just say no to queues.

It was a big mistake to open such few realms to begin with… If you think it’s bad now, just wait until launch… If you go into launch with what you have now and you need to add more realms AFTER launch has already happened, it will be a disaster. No one is going to want to abandon the server they initially picked. The names they were able to get and guilds they’ve joined… A lot of people have made a bunch of friends already on discords of the realms they chose.

I just don’t get how you guys underestimated the popularity this was going to have. Sure, there will be a drop off weeks after launch, but it won’t be as crazy as you guys think. The design philosophy and the heart and passion that went into creating vanilla WoW is what sucked people in. As many people drop off and realize that Classic isn’t for them, there will be a bunch of people that play it for the first time and absolutely love it and won’t go anywhere. WoW became what it was because of vanilla.

In my opinion, you should have initially launched with 10 pvp servers MINIMUM. They would have filled up eventually. Even if a server has 4-5k “low pop” according to your standards nowadays, that’s plenty enough to have a healthy world/realm. Hoping everything works out in the end…


You cannot compare launch population with the population one month or even a week after.
Having many servers has no disadvantages for everyone that just wants to checkout WoW Classic for a short period but it will have a negative impact on everybody that sticks around. WoW classic will not just be about the launch, so its better to look a bit further down the road.