Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

I mean, what they have created are gonna be mega servers.

A high Vanilla server = low pop Classic?
Don’t you remember what it was like playing on a high pop server? There comes a point where there’s simply too many people…

Gonna be packed in line nut-to-butt…

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slaps roof of WoW Classic General forum

This bad boy can fit so much whining in it.


And what action should players take based on this post? When all servers for PVP are at high or full where do people go? Blizzard is opening servers very slow (as in waiting for full before they move) yet they post this crap as if it is the consumer’s fault. How about you stop being cheap and open up servers?

This is a well thought out, great post.

Also, bonus points for dropping a 5 dollar latin term and acknowledging English guidelines. You’re giving me language nerd hot flashes :smiley:

calm down Skippy

You should add that if you do decide to switch realms to delete the toons you have on one these realms, to give Blizzard a better idea of where people stand… as I don’t think many will remove the one or two toons they’ve already created even if they do decide to move.

Not about to get stuck on forever low pop servers again because you guys don’t like merging them :wink:

i’ll stick with the queue tyvm

They said its worse. Before they said 10k on herod, now they are saying more than the queue server can even hold.
That is worse.

Based on this post and especially the quoted statement, there are currently at most half the number of servers that are needed for launch day at this point. A very significant number (if not the majority) of people who will be playing Classic haven’t even subscribed yet. Also, your servers are too populated…

Blizzard… if you actually are aiming for a smooth healthy launch then you’re botching this very badly. The sooner you release more servers the better.


I have a feeling they’ve probably got a better idea of what they need than the average backseat driver here.

What inspires this confidence after Blizzard failed to take the clue from the clue wrecking ball named Herod and let other servers turn into Herod 2.0 and 3.0?

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If that is the case then why is their information conflicting? Their posts make it seem like anything medium and above is too high of a population and will yield some rough queues, yet they are sitting back and not adding servers until each option of that region and server type are full. How does that make any sense considering this information they presented? You want players to transfer where? NA PVE server options aren’t even there, they are full and have nothing.


Y’all people saying “lock the realms” know there’ll be just as much complaining from people if they find out they can’t play on the “cool” server, right? There’s basically no way to win here.


my guild came together in the beta - and recruited more in the open stress test. we’ve already had a couple of discord guild meetings with our final pre-launch meeting scheduled for tomorrow. it isn’t a huge guild by any means, but its a start and we all appear to get along well.

“We have contingency plans in place to bring up additional realms quickly if needed.”


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We need more servers.


Already been discusses that they have emergency protocols to bring up new servers as necessary. It’s not an issue at all.

How can I organize my guild/friends from my vanilla server to congregate en mass on a server that does not yet exist?

They are not thinking about individuals moving, not communities. But for many of us, it’s not like that.

If they really wanted to fix the problem they would just allow limited time character (name) transfers from the full servers to new servers before opening up general character naming the next day

Of course they could have also named Blaumeux Mograine instead and more would have left Whitemane.

Happy I moved to Skeram and reserved my names. Knew the queue would be bad on Herod, but geez, over the queue limit? Yikes lol

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There is no way to win now, there was back on the 12th if they only opened up more servers to start with. They still could have won all the way up to the 16th if they put out the information in this post then. Instead they lead the community to believe that the only realm with a problem was Herod knowing that any realm that hits even High will get queues. Did they say that in that post? No. They acted like if they fixed the 10000+ queue everything else would just fix itself while all the while sitting back and watching not just Herod get over-saturated but most of the servers. On the 15th Faelina went full which makes it even worse that they only opened one server on the 16th and said nothing and just watched the numbers rise. Then Mankirk became the first PvE realm to hit full and all the others continued to rise and their response was to release 2 more PvP servers and still say nothing about the true state of server population or of queues. So here we are now 10 days after opening these servers and they finally admitted that anything over medium will have queues and they let two other servers reach Herod levels of overpopulation. This whole disaster, and yes it is a disaster, is on Blizzard. It wasn’t like they couldn’t see those numbers rising and know they were new people making characters not people going from Herod to them (or Herod wouldn’t have went from 10000+ queue to where they overflow it). They knew by the 16th at the latest they needed way more servers than they opened but they held on to a pipe dream of fewer people playing and that there would be massive numbers of players leaving before Phase 2. Trust me this flaming pile of fail is just the first rumblings of the avalanche that is going to hit this weekend. Don’t be surprised if you see 3 times the number of servers listed now by the time 6pm EST on Monday rolls around and lots of them listed as Low and all the servers now except maybe the RP servers listed as full.