Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

That is likely most of us lol

But I don’t agree with your assessment of how launches have been going lately. I haven’t seen any hiccups since the DDoS attacks for WoD.

Half the playerbase will be watching the other half on actually enjoying the game while they stare at screen telling them how much time they will be spending watching someone else play the game while they wait patiently for someone else to log off or rage quit or disconnect or have a power outage or ISP downtime so they can finally login only to be ganked by a pack of level 10 super gamers who decided to raid the starting zone and destroy all hopes of you ever reaching level 2 this season :rofl:

You are right that it’s more than vanilla but you do not know the cap so you do not know if they are “mega”. But I hope they are!!

Every account can create 3 characters, while each can be on a different realm. I am sure that many -if not most- are creating 1 on 3 different realm to have a choice come launch.
Blizzard, you can have a good estimate of pop numbers at launch per realm by applying the following algorithm:

estimated realm pop = Accounts on realm / (Characters on realm / (3*Accounts on realm)

e.g. for hundret accounts with only one character:
your current estimate is realm pop of 100 but since every of those accounts has character on other realms as well it is closer to
estimated realm pop = 100 / (100/300) = 33.33

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Maybe consider making some Central Time Zone realms and more people will switch. As it stands right now, NOBODY in cst wants to play on Pacific time, so we’re being forced into Eastern Time b/c Blizzard’s complete lack of cst servers from the start. You guys do realize there is a massive section of the US between the east and west coasts right?

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Why not lock the FULL servers and prevent new folks from creating characters?

You’ll still lose the name if it’s already taken on your target server.

they don’t give anything for free you have to complain to get things

I’m seeing a demand for mega servers here… And through the forum, I see anti-layering threads all over the place.

No matter what, someone’s gonna be pissed!

Truth. And people like me are stuck. I live about 30 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, so I am NOT rolling on PST realms. Sadly, both normal EST options are full. Where does Blizzard expect us to go? RP? Would kinda suck for non-rpers to clog up an RP realm just to escape “severe queues.”

This is being poorly done Bliz.

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Blizzard, you’re running out of time to save the Oceanic PvP community from a disaster launch day. We need another realm to iron out population problems BEFORE launch day. Do not wait for the disaster to happen.

to be honest the last 2 I wasn’t thrilled about so I waited a week or more. The product didn’t interest me so I had no skin in the game. I kinda lost the game after the pokemon pandas were here.

I’m not a private server player, but I did sign the petition. The petition only had 200k signatures and I’m sure others like me signed it as well. I only knew about it from the Jon Tron video that showed up in my recommended on YouTube. I just wanted other players to have the experience I had when I started.

I could be wrong, but I think Herod should be sorta OK after the initial launch. My old retail guild’s Discord had them all rolling on Herod to just mess around. Since only a few servers were available at the start. They don’t keep track of Classic forums so probably don’t know it’s super full. They will reroll on a newer server come launch.

At least you are being reasonable. My guess without any knowledge other than past releases is an extra 1k is around 45 minutes for the queue. So if 10k are in queue at the start that 8 hour estimate seems about right. My worry is that 10k isn’t even close to my guess since players might not even be able to join the queue.

This and other posts make me think that you never even played Vanilla. Nost succeeded because it was built as close to Vanilla as possible and it attracted die hard fans. Which made a great community and world for the players. They also changed a lot of in game data to accommodate the population which Blizzard shouldn’t do.

I hope you have a great time in Azeroth and wish you best of luck on launch.

They will give you a Central Time Zone realm once they finish physically installing the server in the Eastern Time Zone so that it matches all the Eastern Time Zone realms physically in the Central Time Zone city of Chicago.

Since Warcraft 3!? :wink:

  1. At least double the current server options for every region/server type/time zone - this will allow groups to re-roll together and keep the populations from reaching high/full before launch day. From the sound of things, even a “Low” server is considered healthy, so why allow them to reach “Full” status before launch?

  2. Lock server population at “Medium.” Open servers again at launch - this allows friends a place to join at/after launch that isn’t full already.

  3. Show faction ratios and time zones at the server selection screen - the player-base will likely keep factions fairly balanced if there are enough server options available.

  4. Don’t “misunderestimate” the demand. There should be some “Low/Medium” servers left over to jump to at launch.

  5. Lastly: “[Launch issues] once, shame on…shame on you. [Launch issues]—you can’t get [launch issued] again!” - unknown

I already made plans with friends and family for the Herod server. When the servers were announced it was the only good choice.

It rubs me the wrong way that I might need to contact and get confirmation from everyone so that we can switch to a new server. All of this because we got only 3 realms to pick from to start. If there were more none of this would have happened.


Created character on Pagle when it was low thinking “oh this realm should be good at launch” Get wrecked.

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This blizz post honestly makes me mad. You are leaving the servers available even in the full status and giving new players no options for character creation on anything that isn’t High or above. OPEN SERVERS so they have choices.

Seems like it’s damned if you do damned if you don’t for players. re sub or re activate your sub when name reservations started and now that server is full. Too bad you get long queue times.

Wait until just before or day of launch and all the servers are full. Too bad you get long queue times.

Cui Bono? ( who profits? ) Well if you jumped in and subbed or reactivated when it was open for “limited time”. You might have your name but Blizz has your $$ for that sub even if you can’t log in for hours. Gee guess you can change servers and maybe keep your name. Or not.

In my opinion. the whole reserve your name thing was a cash grab everyone walked in to. ( Yeah I ended sentence with a preposition )

They got your money AND it makes their numbers look better.

As far as I can tell all NA PvP and PVE servers are full.

Perhaps some/a lot/ a few people will be so upset with it that they’ll go back to PS or just say to hell with Blizz.

I do believe that the design team and developers who created the game are not at fault. This has the odious scent of bean counters all over it.

You would think looking back at the sub history they would see they are trading a short term gain as opposed to having a long term plan.

Personally I am looking forward to the launch. I’m planning on re activating my sub the weekend before launch. I’ll figure out character names as I go. But then again I’m old IRL and my memory isn’t what it used to be. I may be disappointed. But for damned sure I’m not happy about hour(s) long queue times. Don’t have the tolerance for putting up with stupid like I did when I was younger.

Whatever, you do you, I’ll be me and we’ll all see what happens.

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