Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

I’m trying to comment on everyone who posts about this. We NEED MORE PVE SERVERS. THEY’RE FULL.

They have also said they an crank up the population caps at any time if servers have a large amount of players (when layering is gone)

For real. Normal realms. More of them. No reason not to. PVE realms right now are full. Just add 2 more normal realms.

they will not say it is a big secrete

I’m trying to reply on everyone who posts about this. WE NEED MORE PVE SERVERS FOR EST. THEY’RE FULL.


TRUE, but the time it would take you to login and create a toon or decide on a name could push you back in a queue by 1000 maybe even 2000 players so allowing it before launch could save you hours at best. I’ve experienced the queue times at launch and you could wait upto 2-3 hours to get in on a full server :/:disappointed:

The warnings for high and full servers, yet that’s exactly what the PvE’s are, and you refuse to make new ones.


I just checked and two were still high and two were full. It does look like another PVE realm wouldn’t hurt though. But what do I know :rofl:.

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That is a good point. This has actually been something I have really loved about creating my 3 toons early: being able to sit with them for the two weeks to make sure everything is just right (I have already edited them all a few times).

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getting more toons just will max numbers out even worse.

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not necessarily; by limiting the number of toons per realm to 1 until launch it won’t be any different

Seems players think this is fake news as they are unwilling to accept the problem. It’s as if they don’t believe Blizzard.

Enjoy the wait. Just don’t come to the forums and complain. You have been warned.

Well if we go by history it takes the Dinosaur Blizzard 3 to 4 days to react to a realm going full. Herod went full on the 13th and Blizz added one 3 days later. Faerlina went full on the 15th and a new EST server came 4 days later. So Mankirk went full on the 19th and if pattern holds a new PvE EST realm will show up tomorrow or the 23rd. Remember it takes awhile for stimuli to reach a Dinosaurs brain and get a reaction.

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Did they not repeatedly update this to say as much? When one realm went full, they were encouraging people to move to the other (not full) realms.

I would aswell

Do we know who’s winning yet?

Realm hopscotch

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Low pop server is in the lead


Yes… after Herod became the steaming pile of fail. That should have told them they needed to be more proactive with additional realms but nope lets try the same thing over and over and hope for a different result.

Hmm I heard insanity described that way before.

Heh, yeah.

The first few days are going to be rough, but I am glad that Blizzard is trying to keep longevity of realm populations at the forefront of their decisions. I would much rather have a gong show for a few days than be in a place where servers need to be merged.

those of us that have been playing 15 years have seen this time and again. Blizzard has a plan and it is normally opposite of what most wants. Down times after a release is a day or 2 normally. Logging in is normally a cluster and the day after is normally down 8 hours.