Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

I would love for blizzard to fail and the community to go back to pirate servers…

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At least you know pirate servers will have a big healthy population unlike this blizzard sit in queue trash

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I have now moved 2 of my toons twice already and kept one on makrik. just hoping to play it one day. the other servers are a back up plan to be able to play. But now they both are either full or high… so high will be full tomm. So if servers aren’t made soon I will need to switch toons again with hopes it doesn’t go full over the next 4 days


Try locking the realm…

You must have missed the important post, it’s “queue” not “que”

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I’m not going to keep deleting my characters and re-creating them on a new realm. You should have released more realms initially like many many people on the forums and other places have told you. It’s pretty bad others knew more than you all did. It shows us how badly you are underestimating this.


What should we move to? I would hate playing on a pvp server, I have no interest in role playing, I’m on the East Coast so would rather not play on Pacific time, so should I go Euopean or maybe Russian server?

Just out of curiosity could a blue poster tell us what would happen if you took all players currently on all realms of one type such as PvP and evenly distributed them across all servers of that type?

Would they all be listed as medium? high?

I suggest allowing us to make a fourth character, on Medium realms

Doing so would cause thousands to prepare a spare character on the medium realms. Which may become their mains once their hit with large ques?

Appreciate the update, I think your handling this well. Do not open too many realms. Force ques to even the player populations. Players will get over it. But what they won’t get over, are empty realms.

Double the number of servers. (EST PvE says Hi)
Lock servers as they reach capacity.

Call me crazy, but I don’t think this is rocket surgery. A few servers may fall off a bit in the coming weeks, but isn’t that better than having thousands unable to play at launch?

Expecting people to play musical chairs while you crunch numbers is ridiculous. It’s a catastrophe waiting to happen.


I don’t understand why they haven’t opened 1 new EST PVE server by now.

Neither Mankirk or Pagle has reached Herod levels yet and that is what took them to release the first PvP server 3 days later.

Hey Blizzard,

Crazy idea; why not increase the number of name reservations to match the number of available realms for each region, but limit it to or less than the maximum character creation limit, thereby allowing players to have freedom of choice on launch to play the game on any available server where the queue time is less daunting, saving yourself a few headaches and bad press that will come with millions of subscribers not being able to play on what is currently the most anticipated re-launch day in the history of MMO as a genre!

Me again

You can go back to those private mega servers! Yay!

So we should start changing spawn times? to suit the new mega servers? No thanks

Not sure if you are quoting yourself there, but yes I mistook you for a rogue, must be that hood you are wearing…

They are, on Monday at 6 EST!

every launch since 04 has been a epic failure. Everyone crashes and has issues.

You do realize that this just makes all the realms look more bloated than they are right?

I agree… They need some PVE servers on EST. The only ones are full. I would sooner unsub than play on a PVP server. I’ve been unsubbed more than subbed the past 5 years due to retail being garbage. If I can’t even log on because there’s a long que in the only EST normal servers might as well unsub again.

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If blizzard granted 2 to 4 weeks of game time to players as an incentive to move. If I recall correctly they granted game time back in 2004 after launch was basically unplayable?

Players have reserved names on the realms that were available. There should have been a cap and more servers available for guilds and groups to coordinate before choosing a server.

The way it is now, it is better to wait till launch and then choose the most recent server without a queue and with the most names available saving the player the cost of the early sub. Blizzard may end up granting game time to everyone if launch goes poorly to try to save face. This would cost them more than just granting time to players that transfer off the full servers… fixing the problem they created.


The last two were seamless for me. I was actually hoping for more drama.

I think they did this with WoD when there were the repeated DDoS attacks too.