Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

ive been saying the same thing. What they need to do is a realm layer outside the realm. Herod 1, herod 2, herod 3. Just like layering but you can choose which one you wanna go on before entering world. And can jump between them but only after logging off.

By long queues they mean hours to get in. At least that’s what one of the devs said in the AMA.

Who am I to offer advice, but maybe I can offer an idea of two…

  1. I get that servers take resources, but you stated it yourself. A low realm by today’s metrics would have been full in 2006. No changes? Then give us more servers. Longevity of player base is also put at risk by high population realms that trivialize the group coordination aspect of Classic. I get that dead servers also puts the player base at risk, but its a double edges sword. Gearing up and running content on the mega realms will be far easier, resulting in people losing interest in content faster.

  2. I truly do not mean to offend, but the realm names are not drums of war-all hands on deck-bring the redbull names in my opinion. Open some new realms with more attractive names. IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME.


Nothing to add to your post except thank you for your courtesy. A breath of fresh air :slight_smile:

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After I finish that 60th run you might finally be making it through the queue for the first time.

My question is, why don’t they just add extra servers and then merge them later after all the useless nostalgia people are gone in 2 months?

Still cant understand why Blizzard used so many crappy names for server… Hell open one called Hogger and people will jump ship.

TL:DR 90% crappy named servers

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Except for the part where nobody can reserve names on servers that don’t exist.
What do they expect people to do? Not reserve their names? During name reservation?

Yes, which begs the question: Why were we asked to move again?

Nothing gained by doing so, unless they think it’s reasonable for guilds to relocate multiple times over two weeks due to their poor planning.

The servers are going to be on fire, because blizz isn’t counting the people that haven’t subbed back yet. You’ll be screwed either way.

LOL some of us predicted that would happen when they made the first post about leaving a high/full server, that you would end up server hopping for no good reason.

What is average server population? 10k - 15k?

One of the issues that is being ignored here, is that whole Retail guild groups have already formed on their selected servers. If my guild is forming its Classic player group on Pagle, either we all leave, or none of us would.

In addition, the severe shortage of EST PVE realms has been the cause of part of the problem, the other issue being the shortage of realms in general. Where exactly would Blizzard like us to go, when no appropriate realms of the right type and time zone exist?

It is always frustrating when a major corporation “plays dumb” this way. This post is just so they have an excuse for the queues at login, on launch day, and can blame the players for it. Why were more servers not made? That is the question.

I would lose it if they ended up adding an emergency server friday evening or monday morning. Then said “HOP OVER AGAIN QUICK RO LONG QUEUES!”

Maybe you should have listed a week ago when we told you you need more servers and then again when we told you you need to give a heads up so we can say he in 2-3 days this server will open for name res lets move. You didn’t. Now you will be pilloried by the community.

Or as many said Kill those super high population servers and open 3 more in their place (with a heads-up).

Do something.


You still haven’t answered my question. I already have the names I want on Herod, and I can’t create a new name on the new servers you mentioned because I can’t create new names.

When opening these new servers, you should have the option for us to either transfer our names to these new servers, or open up more name slots, so that we can create a copy name from the high pop servers. Last thing I want to do is create a character, on a new server, and have my name sniped.

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There’s more to this not being considered.

On launch day, the 3-toon limit is lifted and you can create as many toons as you want on any server, up to the 50 limit I believe. (10 per server I think)

People will be shfiting all over the place on Monday and Tuesday. These current realm pops based on premades are not going to remain as-is. It’s going to be pretty messy.

The LOW and MEDIUM pop servers right now might instantly hit FULL when people see long queues on their original choice realm and just give up and make new ones on the lower pop ones.

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Like add more servers and then tell everyone repeatedly that if you are on the full servers you will have long queue times?

Not sure if you read the part where people are continuing to make characters on these servers despite all that.

How many ppl are there per server?

There were new PVE servers added? I seem to have missed that as did all of the other PVE people.