Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

Come on, 1 more PvE EST, 1 more PvP PST.

Announce it tomorrow and open it on Friday, at least 16-24 hours after the notice.

Only if you can transfer between them at amy time and your name is registered on all.

You need to give more PvE eastern realms, the only two you have are full so where should someone from the east coast migrate to?


So if you want to play on a PVE server, you have no way to avoid queues, since all four are either High pop (west coast) or Full pop (east coast). Thus, PVEers have no way to avoid lengthy login queues, unless they want to roll on an RP server.

Yet still no additional PVE servers?

Blizz, bite the bullet now and add two more east coast PVE servers and one more west coast PVE server, since we all know that is how it is going to shake out in the end, at best.


yes, players will choose a popular realm.

what will you do on launch when new realms don’t work because everyone is coordinated and established on full realms, and launch-returning players continue to only join full realms because that’s where all their friends and guilds are located?

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Chill. Watch. We’ll have another PvE Eastern server soon. Pagle is getting out of hand, but an ally dominated server won’t want to jump ship to a Horde dominated server (Mankrik). And vice versa with Mankrik Horde wanting to jump ship.

How can this be acceptable blizzard? If you are out of servers just delete a few BFA ones, no one will even miss them.


I will absolutely be on Blizz about name releases. This is a special case!

In 2 weeks we will see a post about 8.2.5 being postponed so that more resources can be directed to Classic.


Exactly! There’s probably a half dozen that today could go weeks without anyone logging into them, and that count will only increase when Classic launches.

It’s time to wake up and smell the blackrock coffee already.

Furthermore, given the rocky launch of BFA, the content patches of BFA, and even the activation of previously rolled out BFA content, the recent track record is shaky at best. You need to give yourselves the best chance to succeed.

I mean, if you expect queues that will have such a high demand that the queue system can’t handle it, you are only setting yourselves up for an epic failure.

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I moved from Herod to Stalagg and now you’re saying Stalagg will still have long queues because it’s (High) now?


the only way to avoid queues at this point is to wait for new servers to open on launch day. those will be relatively empty, because players will continue to flood high pops and new/low will be a deterrent to most people

in which point the exact same thing other than the technical implantation. at this point the layers have been tested, it works, we’re going live with it.

Yup until phase 2 anyway …

Simple solution to LOCK the full realms. But apparently not.

layers arnt fixing our queue problem now is it?

Or maybe their next plan will be to add layers to the q system hmmmm
you are 12467 in Q on the 4th layer… GL see you in Azeroth in 4 days

I think there should be a line for the line. Then a line for that line, then we have the option of battling eachother for a higher spot via Bejeweled. They have the WQ, so the tech is there for that!


layers were always going to result in super queues, as i’ve been saying for months

Hey bud, that’s because of layering. We have no evidence as to what the capacity of 1 layer is. In phase 2 when there is only 1 layer per server, we have no idea what the actual server capacity will be.