Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

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Not all queues are equal

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Why do I get the feeling you guys are forgetting the people that won’t sub till launch…

On top of that maybe you guys shouldn’t have underestimated the demand for classic. Should have done a higher amount of servers at the start. 8 ready to go on day 1 reservations would have been better. But here we are…


I think they’re being VERY cautious about 50% or more of the population leaving after week/month 1, and leaving us with dead servers.

I can respect Blizzard for that.


Maybe if you guys chose more appealing names than Blaumeux and Skeram, you would have more players moving off of the full realms.


First time here? :slight_smile:


No kidding our guild is holding there first guild meeting Saturday night on Discord , get all our planning done for Launch day. We are prepared for long queues.

Alliance Herod BTW


I all ready suggested something similar yesterday and was not met with warm responses from the community …

Or maybe they did that to keep it kind of spread out - no real cool names means no one fights over who gets to be Herod.

That is strange because in french the word is pronounced “bloomer” which doesn’t sound much better.

That’s true. I wonder how long the bleeding will last.

Even if it takes me 10 hours I will meet you on the field of battle!!! :smiley:

Or they need to put in a cooldown on names. If I delete a name, I should own it for 1 hour. Or something. If I don’t get my name on a new realm, I can just go back without fear of losing my name.


The first day of name reservations had a queue for the login server and then a queue for the realms. It was funny. Those people on faerlina, whitemane and Herod are in for a real treat. I just hope they get to experience it a few times in a row for ignoring warning after warning after warning.


Yes their lack of faith in their fans is disturbing .


So…all of them?


Partially right. People that have already PAID to resub and made characters, we have our server choices now. Why would they want to bring up more servers for a projected amount of incoming subs on Monday 6PM EST, when they could just bring them up as needed? This is the whole purpose of having a Mod staff.

As to the server farms they’re using… I’m sitting at character select right now, and I have been every day, trying to watch the fluctuation of server population. I know I’m not the only one that still logs into character select, which means, those servers are active.

Even a 10 minute grace period would be fine.


Oh yea well… I hope you have to run LBRS 60+ times because voones gem won’t drop and you want an UBRS key! YEA! #fight

Herod will be so bad that they will have a world first for whoever actually gets on the server.