Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

Because they risk losing hundreds of thousands from people cancelling their subscriptions.


I 100% agree with this. They need to mark realms as full if they expect long queue. Right now my guild was going to roll on Fairbanks. Now that we know High is just as bad as Full. We will be moving. To where im not sure. By the time the weekend hits i hope there are more new servers.


Many people won’t transfer because they could lose their name trying to reroll. Why not give a 5 minute name lock or something or JUST LET US HAVE MORE. I will probly not even stay on my current realm because I will probly not get my other names there. Counting on fresh PVE realms later. Yes, I can wait but why leave now since I don’t know for sure? Also a MASSIVE amount of PVE realms will be needed. People I know will be rolling PVE at launch and there just aren’t any.

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Blizzard has released zero numbers on populations. How do you know 20k isn’t already when a server is considered “full”?

Just a suggestion … Next time you release Classic 2.0 in 15 years … why dont you let the community VOTE on server names, Should have been done to begin with . It might help .
A couple other idea’s. If your going to keep with the NO CHANGES thing, and at the same time allow streamers to stream then @ the start you should designate a server/s for them to roll on and TOS all other servers against it … That would have help to start with as well.
And umm you could just lock full realms from being able to create new chars on them … If player B can not make a char to play with his friend . Then the only option is for player A to delete and move to another server with his friend…
Why are you making all of this so overly complicated ?


First of all, people are resubscribing to play classic, so those costs are VERY well offset already.

Secondly, if you get a dynamic service like what’s offered by AWS, you don’t have to pay for servers when they’re not being used. Only a very minimal amount of hardware would need to run if nobody was logged in.


Because they said they are not raising the original Vanilla cap.

I don’t get why they didn’t go the route of making servers like Herod 1, Herod 2, Herod 3, etc. to a certain point maybe 4 or five for all the originals. Then as the populations fluctuate collapse them together if need be. Because there will come a time when the servers do take a hit and some will run the risk of going low population.


Please no. Never let the community decide this kind of thing. This is a terrible idea.


Yea you raise a good point, but either way the situation is a huge mess. I think giving us access to servers ahead of time was a bad idea…

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I vote Mcservery Mcserver Face

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At least then it can be said its 100% the community’s fault …

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They haven’t said this. The blue post at the top of this very page even says that servers are a lot more populated now than they were then. i.e. what was “High” in 2006, would be “Low” in 2019.

If blizzard is dumb enough to leave server names to the community, it’s BLIZZARD’S fault.

Are you planning on adding an extra oceanic pvp server, now that it is HIGH population?

naaa come on people if they released a list of 50 server names and polled the community then started with the 12 most popular and worked up from there … It would have helped…
I am not saying let the community pick the actual names … If it came off that way then I’m correcting myself …


It’s been low pop since it released on Aug. 19. But you don’t care about that all you want to do is scream and yell and cry like a child. Reasonable people will adapt as necessary and stubborn children won’t. Sounds like you’re the latter. And that’s cool, but don’t blame other people for your unwillingness to adapt to the situation.


Why are you two fighting on a wow forum, relax.

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Buuuut … they also said that a medium pop server has more people on it than a full server had in Vanilla. Kinda sounds to me like they’ve upped the cap. Maybe there is 10k per layer and 100k per server …

It’s not that easy. Guilds have established there, and some guild members haven’t had a membership to create their characters yet.