Over 100 Dungeons in Game

Yeah make it 30 that way we can call them WQ dailies instead of dungeon challenges.

I’d argue that there’s something more wrong with the notion that old content should always be current.

maybe it was a mistake. Maybe having all 100 dungeons relevant would be better instead of just latest few.

The ones where it scales your character down to the dungeon’s level, which can include removing almost every ability you have? No thanks, it was awful doing daily roulettes with literally 2 buttons to push.

Cause reworking old dungeons to be current worked so well im cataclysm…

Forums were filled with
Blizz lazy, rehashing old stuff cause they dont care etc etc etc etc

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Well it works for FF14. /shrugs/ Now I wouldn’t do it 100% like that for wow. Just make it where we scale down…but keep abilities…maybe. I think wow should do something to that to a point if they were to make them more relevant but again not 100% like how FF14. I was only mentioning FF14 as a mmorpg that basically made all dungeons meaningful…even if some like you don’t like the removal of skill for that dungeon…but you gotta admit…one thing good about it is makes the dungeons meaningful to do regardless of your level. Heck I love how they have a roulette where you get into any dungeon you have unlock for a bonus exp for the day. Maybe Wow can do that…have roulette for us to do old content for that exp or currency of sorts for current content. Make them meaningful for those leveling and some type of currency for those at max level to get for doing them. :thinking:

You think the dungeon situation is bad, look at the raid situation. At least dungeons are all going to be relevant throughout the expansion they were released in. Raids are obsolete when the next one is released, while the dungeons now drop higher level gear than the old raid did, lol.

I go into old raids to farm them all of the time. Blizzard has been putting battle pets and such in them since MoP as well.

Dungeons, on the other hand, there’s almost no reason to farm them unless there’s an achievement/mount to be had, which isn’t a lot of them.

Blizzard has already implemented a similar system, but we keep our abilities. We can also sync with lowbies for dungeons, though I do think they really should add a roulette type daily to encourage high level players to help new players or others leveling alts. Korrak’s Revenge is a perfect example - everyone in it, even level 120s, are scaled down to lvl 60 but have whatever abilities they would normally at their level.

It would be nice to choose any dungeon to farm ap/ dailies, etc

Let’s add the original BRD to the list.

M+ BRD would likely break some people

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Dude, no, it’s not. Story is NOT game play. Even if you throw the word “quest” into the mix.

Regardless, there’s absolutely no need to roadblock game play so that players can experience the “story” that goes along with it.

There something wrong with players who think that what’s “current” is the only game play that’s “worth” playing.

If the timewalking m+ dungeons were available I’d say maybe only during the timewalking events - that way the issue of having to balance and scale every one wouldn’t be a problem.

Maybe to take things further they could add like one or two that ARE NOT currently in their respective timewalking pools but from that era that can be run as m+ that way you have the casual option as well (like during tbc weeks adding shadow labs as a m+ option without touching the originals in the rotation)

Could be a nice refresher.

Timewalking gear from the regular ones could also be slightly more relevant

That’s not a problem if you have a group of friends and you run dungeons for each other.

Even as someone who at various points knew how to navigate many of those 100 dungeons with some sort of grace and skill, my question is, how reasonable is it really to expect a large swath of a player base to be current on all of them? Especially for contexts when the dungeon is chosen randomly, meaning you can’t brush up on or prepare for a specific one in advance.

As I’ve gotten older and more casual, I’m not sure I even find it fun any longer to have to know not only each boss but also each trash pack on a mere dozen, let alone 100 dungeons.

When I think of the perspective of a new player, it seems flat out ridiculous to ask them to prepare for that first random queue. You know the group they queue into is going to expect them to know what they’re doing for whichever dungeon it is.

If Blizzard does want to do something more with the older content, in my opinion it needs to come with an approach that is usable by most of their players. Which if you think about it, probably explains why they’ve chosen the current designs now.

I think the current expert is 4, which is really nice. I do wonder how WoW’s community in general would react to leveling/raid roulettes and some kind of permanent timewarped vendor in place of poetics.

“Blizzard adds all dungeons as max level content”
omg bluzzord now I have to run 100 dungeons every day with my 12 alts because I have to min max everything and get titanforged in all slots even though I’m not a mythic raider omg you ruined the game I quit

Too soon! :sob:

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I agree: Bring back 5mans

I’m already bored of the current expansion dungeons after half an expansion. What we need is more dungeons released during an expansion, not more of the old.

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Thats the problem though its an outdated concept.

I hope with Shadowlands all dungeons are queable and give max level characters a reason to queue for them like pets, transmog or even mount rewards. NOT FOR ESSENCE! Just something to work for like those timewalking badges not anything like rng based island expeditions.