Over 100 Dungeons in Game

Yet there are only 10 that we are expected to enjoy any degree of challenge with.

There’s something wrong with this paradigm.


That’s how current content has worked in this game since things started becoming not current content. This isn’t a new concept.


No, it’s an old and ridiculous concept that needs to go the way of the dinosaur.


I kinda hope they have a scaling difficulty for timewalking dungeons sometime.

Not a mirror of mythic+ Speed running but…something more challenging with relevant rewArds.

Maybe just me though :slight_smile: I really enjoy timewalking weeks


This sounds like a great time for a well-constructed thread for feedback and ideas instead of some random thread with little context beyond a complaint.


Why do that when you can just moan about things?

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I do too! Timewalking sort of makes the op point untrue doesn’t it?


True, you got me. lol

This is where I say I do love the way FF14 does their dungeons a tad better. But every game is different. With the leveling changes the dungeons should feel more useful,etc. Maybe…? Since that’s a whole lot of dungeons to choose from when leveling to 15-50…or whatever the new level will be to start dungeon if they change that requirement too.

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I’ve addressed that with my OP.

This notion that “current content” is the only content that should be relevant because… well just because, is absurd.


Agreed. Seasonal gameplay doesn’t make sense in an RPG.

If it were my game, you’d be able to run whatever dungeon or raid you want and get the rewards at the difficulty level you competed it at. You wanna LFR into Molten Core? Ok. Wanna go run a mythic quality Karazhan? I’m down.

Wanna light up the sun well for some heroic action? Even better.


I expect the new leveling system will remedy this, at least for base game players. My hope is that once at level 50, random heroic will open for all past content from TBC to BFA.

Because old dungeons and raid are beyond easy when compared to current dungeons, and are not designed to compatible with what we have nowadays.

I can only imagine how long they would take to even scale property to normal, heroic and mythic, let alone if they tried to make them usable in M+.


I would agree actually. The only reason it hasn’t been done before early on was they didn’t really plan or think about it. As time wore on they came up with time walking and other measures to make this happen better. Honestly time walking shouldn’t be an event but an effort to make all the dungeons available as a challenge at max level continually. It’ll help keep people playing more then time gates and crappy rep grinds.

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M+ hellfire ramparts on a bolstering/teeming/fortified.


Imagine having 100 dungeons at max level and wanting loot from one specific dungeon. Have fun with your multi-day queue.


It would be pretty cool if all the old dungeons were scaled to 120 and were thrown in the mythic+ pool, the random dungeon queue, or just grouping with guildies and walking in. Add another button for Legacy Dungeons so people farming stuff arent screwed and call it a day.

M+ black rock spire.

You have to clear upper and lower with affixes in time.

Good luck.

Shattered halls.
Throne of the Tides.

Cries in corner

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I was probably thinking this one but forgot the name.