Over 1 million bronze to upgrade gear to avoid being one shot at 70

Nobody has the 1.2 million bronze to upgrade to 500+ ilevel yet.

There shouldn’t be bronze-based upgrades. At 70, they should either have ilvl upgrades based on raid difficulty or – better yet – just make the cloak scale up all your gear.

This is… quite stupid.


i few sorry for the poor bastards that didnt play this expansion and wants to get everything

Was really hoping i wouldnt need friends for this event, after doing plunderstorm alone :confused:

Before you give up, try stacking armor gems. without them your dmg reduction from melee hits is very low (my druid was at 16% in bear form). Switching to armor gems in a piece of gear brought my damage reduction up to 45%, which isn’t good for a tank, but was a lot better and I survived much better afterwards.

They need to just give you a starter set once you hit 70 that is like 450 with actual stats on it.

Mobs are probably scaled assuming we have 500 ilvl and most people hit 70 with 250-350

Came here to add that I am playing remix to buy cosmetics and mounts, not gear upgrades. If I wanted to do that, I’d play retail because that has a much more reasonable gear upgrade system. I planned to be a completionist on one character primarily. We should be able to passively get better gear through doing the content. I’m already going to do the content for a long time to get the currency for the cosmetics, but I won’t if I can’t do the content reasonably well due to poor scaling.


There’s absolutely no reason we should have a gear progression system that starts at 250ilvl for fresh 70 and goes over 500ilvl.

In retail that would be the equivalent of an entire expansion worth of progression over 4 seasons but we only have 90 days in MoP.

2 options.

  1. Reach level 70 and get a free set of 400 ilvl gear

  2. Nerf gear upgrade cost by about 10x. These figures would be more appropriate costing ~100 per upgrade instead of thousands. Currently it is almost 150k per piece to max one.


I mean I was planning to level multiple characters anyway but seeing how atrocious the scaling is I’m kind of reticent to bother now lol

It’s weird to play where you see your XP go up and it makes you feel bad, like you’re hanging over a cliff of bad scaling and steadily losing your grip. “No, I don’t want to be another level higher, noooooooo!”

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In a way, at the moment, it’s good that instanced content gives basically no XP. It means you can just do it at low levels and be OP and delete everything and collect all your bronze without having to outlevel it. Obviously that isn’t intentional - it shouldn’t be intentional - but that is the workaround. If you wanna farm bronze, you don’t do it at max level. You do it at like level 25.

Highest I’ve even heard of anyone being was like 360ish. No way someone’s been able to grind out the bronze needed to hit 500 ilvl…probably not even anyone with the bronze to hit 400 ilvl…

If it’s not rare, the best option would be to farm it on retail where possible.

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My guild spent the last 2 days clearing ToT, this place is buggy AF, we are now 8 hours in and 10/12.

This is too hard, no wonder people are not pugging it.


Holy Novaaaa!!!

My monk is 1 upgrade away to get all my items to 400. I did EVERY single quests on the panda map and got around 75k bronze. (And yes, I did some farm, not the frogs, but something else)

Some people play this game like a full-time job. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a handful of people already at 500.

8 hours in…

Good thing for that daily reset though right?

0% chance due to above reason.

We extended the lockout. We want this place cleared, and never doing it again haha

Edit: We are a very casual guild, so maybe people can clear it faster. We wiped a lot learning the fights (well, relearning) and some of the bosses are so buggy. Durumu randomly moving the beams, the Iron golem fight almost impossible with the random threat generates by healers and random runes (we had to remove like all of our runes), the 2nd boss doing 6 millions damage to our tanks (this got fixed). Etc.

Also we are never doing it again after cauz there’s legit no reason for it. You don’t get gear from it (only 346 items), and the bronze drop is not justifying the time spent in there. The raids will quickly become obsolete because you don’t really get any gear or upgrade.

Anyway this was fun for 2-3 days :slight_smile:

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2 hours of farming frogs if you did it for 32 hours b4 it was nerfed you got to 500 ilvl.

I upgraded the first level, the difference was not worth 40kish bronze. Should have bought toys or mounts. Lol