Over 1 million bronze to upgrade gear to avoid being one shot at 70

Theyll fix it at the last month of this being a thing, unless the backlash is soo bad that it forces them to do so.

All this is by design, an endless farm noone anticipated to keep you playing and subbed. Squeeze out more blood out of the player base in the cheapest, cheesiest way possible.

They duped me and it seems alot of us. Im hoping to at least grab hellscreams pigsticker and then just leave the game for a good long while.

Well see if they change course by Maintenance day.

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The problem with this is- I WANT to farm endlessly. That was the promise of this event - get overpowered and farm cosmetics. I want to log in every day and stay subbed and grind. But, unfortunately, I hit level 70 so I do 10% of the damage of a lower level player and get wrecked by quest mobs now. To make matters worse, the ONLY way I can get any better is to upgrade my gear INSTEAD OF buying cosmetics. To upgrade a single piece costs more than buying EVERY WORLD BOSS MOUNT. The max level experience does not resemble what this event was supposed to be.


Upgrading past 346 should take lesser charms of fortune, not bronze.

Most players will get them from dailies, but there are farmable versions for those who want to farm them.


I just did a SoO with people in full epic/500+ ilevel gear almost maxed out gear. The frogs were lucrative to them.