Over 1 million bronze to upgrade gear to avoid being one shot at 70

This is clearly how they intended it…right? Some FOMO on top of exclusion, a double whammy kek

It’s really a shame. I also only wanted a big powerhouse toon, I have all the alts I need outside of one or two, which I would have totally made during this…but not with these scaling issues now.


Imagine getting kicked from groups because your level 70.

All the level 15s gang up on you for your low dps.

You are anything but “strong”


They have like 5 spells and they say you’re trash lmfaooo


Sad that it’s better to have a friend jump on a level 10 and power your 70 main through heroics.


Inb4 “level 11 twinks selling heroic carries”


Waiting for fix it! Level 70 I’m done… I will come back to play after they fix this.


They might fix it.

Yeah, the 61-70 range needs a serious tuning pass for the game to actually be playable at those levels. Clearly only DF was actually balanced because this is the first time content outside of DF has been playable scaled to those levels, and they didn’t even test it to see what it looked like first. lol


I just wanted to bang out some Garrosh kills for shoulders :c I haven’t even been able to /who a single person running siege on my server in remix

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EU player here:

It’s 6pm on a Saturday evening and there are no groups for any raids in the custom group finder.


They need to nerf the cost of gear upgrading. Cost is definitely a big issue.


yeah I think levelling through quests is messing people up - it appears levelling via normals raids is what you want to do currently. I can’t be bothered doing that though so this event is going to end early for me unless they radically change things.

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It gets tedious at about 58 already

This event is starting to remind me Artifact Power but a little bit worst


I think people may be quitting until there’s hotfixes


It was like this in the PTR?

I don’t get the reasoning behind this event at all. Why did they have to add gear upgrading when you need bronze for all the cosmetics they added and the costs are so high.

And you really don’t feel “overpowered” at all even with the abilities you can get, it’s just tedious after a while when scenario/dungeon bosses take longer than raid bosses.


no it was fine on the PTR except people couldn’t get enough xp from questing after 60 because blizzard needed to increase it from what pitiful amount chromie times gives

I did 60-70 as a fairly geared resto druid (always kept my gear upgraded, and I have all gems) I also had both rings and 1 trinket, all slotted with tier 2 gems. Even if i went in bear form trash mobs would instantly delete me in dungeons. Pretty much if anything touches me, I die.

A lot of groups in the LFG are just straight up declining people for being over 60 and I don’t really blame them but It does mean I’m effectively stuck unless I want to level new characters until blizz decides to fix it.

I’d like to ask a related question, but in coming from the other direction:

Are there any fellow 70s out there that did the upgrades yet? Can you verify that once we’re (say) 500+ item level that we’ll feel the way we did while leveling up in dungeons?

It feels like the value proposition of gearing is off, if the goal is to have fun and be OP in a dungeon, when you can just level an alt and just delete stuff at level 11.