Outdated talent trees

This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. About as dumb as the new transmog class pieces being restricted. L all around


…this is even worse. any last hope that you guys werent pushing to force upgrades to tww has now evaporated.


exactly. so pointless. the whole point of pre-expansion release is to give players a chance to play around with the new talents, builds and rotations. this is just dumb. confusing for many. what the hell is going on over there in the blizzard shack.


what is going on is they want to force you to “upgrade” you guys SERIOUSLY THOUGHT MICROSOFT WAS GONNA SAVE THIS COMPANY? bwhahahaah. have you seen their os rollout playbook? if in doubt double and triple and quadruple down. DONT EVER ADMIT DEFEAT UNLESS FORCED TO.

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What do you mean by this sentance?

The new transmog rules. Allows tier tokens to be warbound. But not specific class pieces. So basically vanilla and legion raids, you still need to run that content on the actual class you want the tmog on. Bc for some reason those raids drop tier pieces with class restrictions instead of tier tokens.

Ah, from what I understood that’s a technical limitation they plan to fix not a design choice. So not quite the same as the case of the weir dtalent tree.

See I heard it’s because of “class fantasy” and not because of limitations. It’s very frustrating.

It’s pretty bad not to release the most updated talent trees. For ret it’s not hugely different. So for a few classes it’s new talents now and new talents at launch. When you hit level 71 hero talents start - and they interact with and thus affect the talent tree choices - so you made need to revise talents again - and indeed have different talents specs for each of the two hero trees you can choose (and easily swap at any time).

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I’d wager the primary reason as with all the bugs and warband bank being broken is someone uploaded the wrong RC version.

Blizzard has always been blizzard’s problem, people always blamed others since they were owned by vivendi. Funny how no matter how many times they change owners, the same issues persist. Blizzard is blizzard’s problem.

Nope that’s not an udder

I mean, they’re going to keep changing; it’s much easier (and simpler) to choose a cut-off point and make those the pre-patch trees, rather than continuously updating both the in-dev trees and the live version.

Two questions:

  1. How is this specific stance (class trees being a temporary version) “pushing to force upgrades?”
  2. Why do you expect them not to strongly encourage players to buy the latest expansion? When has this not been the case?

Thanks for the update but now for the minor rant .

(don’t worry this doesn’t pertain to you because “Don’t shoot the messenger”)

What were they thinking ?
As much as we are ready for the new expansion , we would still like it to be ready to go properly and that even includes things like talent changes in the pre patch .

Most of us love this game and want it to be its best and its best was when Blizz did the "we’ll release it when it is ready ". Go back to that mindset please because over the last several years it has felt that Beta has become open Alpha , PTR has become Beta and the actual expansion is feeling like a 18 month to 2 year PTR.

Finally most of us (imo) don’t care about the sped up releases of expansions (supposed less then 2 years each for World Soul Saga) what we care about is things working and a decent patch cadence .


Good time to play with talents and provide feedback if your favorite ones aren’t performing well.

I know that a lot of people just copy/paste talents they’re told to use into their character, and basically wouldn’t even notice if they took the talents away. But there’s nothing important going on now where you need to squeeze every tiny bit of optimization out of this system.

Because Developers seriously consider our feedback… Especially when it comes to Rogues…

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IMO, the main point of this pre-patch is to have retail players beta test and stress test the new expansion’s systems.

I think Blizzard’s #1 goal is a smooth launch on the official release date. If players have to deal with broken stuff for the next month, so be it.

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People missing the point is that the exp is a month away and the pre-patch didn’t have finalized trees. Its a bad look.


The streamers not being honest with the players about the talent changes in TWW ? Players at this moment are freaking out .

It’s ludicrous that the prepatch went live without the talent trees being complete.

“Iteration!” “It’s still beta!” Yadda, yadda

Then postpone it until it IS done