Outdated talent trees

They are? That’s weird since Elemental Blast isn’t replacing Lava Burst and we aren’t getting 2 charges of Elemental Blast if we talent into both Lava Burst and Elemental Blast.

Really weird.


Why do I have shrapnel bomb and others have wildfire bombs?

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“but the trees in the live game are working correctly.”

Uh… no. Warlock at the very least is absolutely bugged lol

More communication is always welcomed.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I don’t think they’re adding rogues in War Within, I’m pretty sure they’ve been in the game awhile.

All announcements you see from CMs are written by the devs. CMs just get to post them and deal with the reactions. Pretty sure only the snarky remarks (which are fewer and far between these days) are their own personal messages.

Still needs more clarity
Improved Maelstrom Weapon requires 2 charges? or should it be 1.
Or was it sneaky and it stole a charge from Elemental Blast talent.

I am hoping that what some folks have suggested is true, that the talent trees are a build behind and will be corrected soon. With any luck this should prevent enemies and target dummies from laughing or yawning during combat.

There’s no way the interactions happening are intended. Are you saying it’s meant to be like this even up through the prepatch event, as per this?

If so that’s absolutely asinine.



Like It’s one thing if the numbers needed to be tuned so poeople didn’t feel too weak at 70 still doing endgame before any of us can use the hero talents but this is way more fundemental then number tuning.

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Kaivax, brother… respectfully. People have returned to the game with expectations being met. Your response to this being intended is extremely disappointing and I don’t think is the whole truth.

I think most people understand that the Warband and Warbank issue is what’s being addressed by teams at the moment, but there’s no reason that the talent changes for Enhancement and Retribution can’t be pushed with it or closely behind it.

As a number of others have said, this is a massive OOF for Blizzard. Transparency, please.


wait so you deliberately released broken talents and spells ?


I do not care that the majority of specs are fine. I care that MY spec is in a broken state and the simple fixes it needed just got left behind.


Smol. Indy. Compenny.

I’d be more forgiving if it was. If it was a game in early/access beta and they had to choose between releasing something incomplete/little broken or wait 3+ month to make it perfect (and it still won’t be) I’ll often say push the update. But when you’re AAA studio it’s pretty concerning.

… and you are messaging me about this because…?
You aren’t even refuting my point or anything. If you are this upset about… whatever you are upset about, go and message Blizzard.

There are bug reports on the forums RIGHT NOW with talent load outs not working, people not able to reset them, spells straight up not working (warlock had their tier bonus moved to talents and the spells arent applying at all as worded) etc. Ive encountered more bugs in ONE DAY of this prepatch than any other prepatch ive played and that is wild to me that a lot of this stuff didnt get addressed when it was brought up in testing.


BM hunter is my girlfriends main, and when logged on last night all of her build is gone, yeeted to oblivion. Shes gutted. edited because I dont want to put words in her mouth

I’m sure there’s understandable reasons for this… we all have issues and sometimes things break or go all wonky… but please don’t insult our intelligence. This is most definitely not “as intended”, or “working correctly”… and if it is, then we should all unsubscribe immediately because this objectively Fu*#ed


This. :thinking:

It is an odd choice.