Outdated talent trees

Stop it, you’re going to make Kaivax and the devs look like fools for pointing out the obvious.

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Right? Same with dh. There has literally been 1 design change to fel-scarred since its reveal and it was not one that was based on any kind of feedback, in fact if it was a choice i probably wouldnt have taken it despite it technically being a minor dps gain. Even the recent tuning seemed to ignore the largest issues, as if they didnt read the feedback at all and just guessed what needed to be buffed. Aside from the game-wide leech talent nerfs, there have been 0 changes to either our class or spec tree the entire alpha/beta (keep in mind our s3 “rework” was roughly a third of what rogues got according to the dev, which was less than what mages and pallies got). While aldrachi has had some improvements, most of the feedback for it has still been ignored as it is still something that the majority of people dont want to play.

So yeah, they havent given much reason to believe that they care at all about feedback for some classes

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Well, that and to make sure that the servers are working well and stress test features on live. That part isn’t going too hot either…

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True, I’m not a native english speaker so sometime the words I use are not accurately used :wink:

My bad. But you get what I wanted to say.

But I hope blizzard will decide to put a lot of time on the demon hunter and get some inspiration and show it through interesting change and a third talent spec that will make us not want to reroll entirely if our only dps tree become bad because we will have no other choices to rely on.

Bring in an inquisition spec or something ranged or close to a support tree that will make thing more spicy and interesting instead of forcing us to fel rush through swirlies and stuff.

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not enough people played the beta. so they didnt get as much feedback as they wanted or needed to make tuning changes and so on. So they are basically doing a one month pre release beta test because lets be honest TWW doesnt have any hype around it all.

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i.e. We’re all currently in beta.


Mmm no.

I take the example of the DH, there was a tons of feedback on the discord and transmitted to the wow dev team and… nothing came out of it…

what’s the excuse for the classes that had the vast majority of their beta feedback ignored? They want more feedback so they have more to send directly to the spam folder?


( X ) Doubt


Beta was too short that is the problem. Same with PTR if you exclude all the days that the PTR was down.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

So the retribution paladin talent tree are you sure it doesnt have a Bug? cause Tirion’s Devotion talent node doesnt let me put a 2nd point, so its useless.

You are out of your [redacted] mind if you expect anyone to believe this.


That’s more words than are necessary to say “It was rushed out.”


sounds like its a mess as usual

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I see this post and response made it to Bellular Warcrat

Then you made a bad choice.

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Kaivax doesn’t really have a say in the choice . He’s just a community manager .

Devs make the decision , Kaivax is just the messenger .

Never shoot the messenger


Enhancement shaman still only has one charge of ele blast plz help us

:point_right: :point_left:


Yeah, I do not envy his job having to be the bearer of some of these statements.


DH Fel scarred spec is still underperforming.

Do you intend to go full RP on this stuff and make the DH suffer , like we choose this path of suffering willingly through some weird design decisions?

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