Outdated talent trees

We’re basically beta testing and stress testing TWW’s systems for the next month, so the official release will be more smooth.


Well Bloody O. It would be OK if they put the talent tree back before the changes that WORKS. The Enhancement Tree that is on live has bugs in the spec tree. So until the release, or when they decide to patch live, we will need to either play a different spec, or just work around the broken one.

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ahh yes, having 1 Elemental Blast charge when the talent says I should have 2 (with Lava Burst talented which it it). Working correctly


People are conflating two separate issues.

Older tree iterations being intended rather than the current cutting edge beta build version doesn’t mean that individual bugs within those trees are being declared working as intended.

I guess they need an extra month to get all the talents right… but the expansion definitely isn’t rushed! :dracthyr_sweat:

That they aren’t done with the balance changes for when TWW launches. So adding changes that are going to and are intended to be changed seems… counterproductive.
(Yes, this includes the talents that the pre-patch launched with. But what were they supposed to do, wait until the launch of TWW to release a system-wide change that everyone knew was gonna implode the servers? We got a set of talents that in most cases will remain functionally the same.)

The talents aren’t going to shift that dramatically for the overwhelming majority of classes. What’s going to happen is that they’ll fix, polish, and decide where and how they want to balance things for the launch.

This is the TWW pre-patch, not the launch.
Things can and will change between now and the full-blown launch. So this time is more for players to familiarize ourselves with the system-wide changes coming more so than any specific talent trees.

They haven’t done ANY talents for havoc, in either the class or spec tree

Meh, Havoc will still be cartoonishly overpowered.

Aldrachi reaver is doing 35% more damage than fel-scarred, which does bottom of the barrel single target on the beta. One busted hero spec that the entire class hates is not something anyone wants, nor is it something that will last. None of our feedback has been listened to. Fel-scarred has had 1 non-bugfix change since its reveal, and it did nothing. Most of the few aldrachi changes also seemed random, with only 2 addressing concerns that would be obvious to any dev that happened to spend 5 minutes testing the tree.

The class and spec trees need actual changes, not the bandaid that got slapped on in dragonflight

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This isnt even remotely true. We have tons of talents that outright do not work, interactions that dont do what they say, and bugs that are reintroduced. This is utter nonsense.


The shaman tree is not working properly, my dps has decreased a lot, and the elemental impact is not making the lava burst disappear and therefore not having an extra charge.

Im not even going to pretend to know whats going on.
I just hope you guys know what youre doing.


I know this ain’t on you Kaivax but I completely disagree with this line of thinking from the devs. It makes no sense to me that some people get their new loadouts like arms warrior where they can plan and adjust on the live realm and other people like ret paladins don’t get their changes at all.


There is almost nothing intended or working in this prepatch. Please be real with yourself. It’s one thing to go “it’s prepatch and we messed a lot of things up”. It’s another to come out and say this


naturally, the Blue has no idea what the devs are doing. I feel sorry for yall Blues, Kaivax.


pretty good chance kaivax was just given a script and told to post it somewhere relevant, it’s fairly obvious that some talent trees are entirely non-functional (hello ret) and to say they shipped properly is just a blatant and obvious lie


Rogues? :pleading_face:

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Don’t change ret’s outdated talent tree. It is better.


Ahaha between this and destiny 2 I must have a thing for screwy devs.


What I love about this situation is that Blizz actually responded. Out of norm for them. Feels like admittance to a mistake but they’re sticking to it.