Outdated talent trees

This is maybe the first time I’m not excited on a prepatch , and that I see a class ( DH ) receiving NO changes whatsoever for a prepatch in all my playtime since wow vanilla beta.

We have a broken hero class ( fel scarred ), and I mean it in a bad way, and a boring complicated one ( aldrachi ) and we have several talents that are useless.

The more time pass, the more we feel blizzard is uninspired and completely clueless for this class and you don’t know where to go with it, starting with the lack of other talent tree when you gave a third one to evoker. And when we get our time to shine, you just nerf us directly a few weeks after when other broken spec can spend a whole season having fun despite being broken.

Please, do something.

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To be tested and iterated by the fraction of players on the beta versus all the players on the live client? It’s hard to see the logic in your choices sometimes.


What do you mean “as intended”??? Do you guys intend for over 10+ warlock talents to not work? I am very confused by this statement.


There are two general shaman talents that show “2/1” being used. No way to delete to get to 1/1, this is just the way it is. Don’t even know if they intended on 2/2 or 1/1."


Thank you Kaivax.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Subscribers take heed, this is the new normal. Look at what happened with the cataclysm pre patch, how broken it was. Look how broken the retail pre patch is. Blizzard polish of old is long dead, this will remain the new normal until it affects their bottom line.

It’s absolutely disgusting.


Um… how does that work on a male Tauren?


I mean, BC had massive downtime and bugs at launch. Vanilla itself could be down for emergency patches for multiple days, wotlk had server restarts and horrific class imbalance, WoD was barely playable the first week.

I’m just used to it by now. This isn’t some “new normal” it’s just a lack of memory


there are SIGNIFICANT tank nerfs on beta. there are still 3 and a half weeks of dragonflight content NOT tuned around those. I’d wager that’s primary reason.


Buckle up ladies and gentlemen for we are going to see a lot of hot fixes the next four weeks.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Well if true that would be a first. I’ve played the game since launch almost 20 years ago and I’ve never seen a live build not be an exact match to what was on the Beta PTR. This is either gaslighting or otherwise the changes were held back at the last minute because of major bugs that would have wreaked havoc if they had been allowed to go live.

Given the unprecedented length of the maintenance yesterday I think the answer is quite clear. In my view, what should have happened when it became clear the patch would break more things than it would fix it should have been postponed and the live servers reverted back to what they were before the patching.


Think you have things mixed up there. Unless you meant “broken” in that it isnt doing anything, fel-scarred is definitely not what most people call broken. Aldrachi reaver is the overpowered one that nobody wants to play.

Well now, Vulpera arenʻt that bad, pretty cool race, if a bit yappy at times…


What Blizz just admitted was that they were not ready for pre-patch or the expansion launch and instead of waiting until it was ready, they rushed out a build that was halfway done.

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Well we knew this as veterans of WoW. But we must circle the wagons and survive.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Upcoming tank nerfs are why DPS paladins and DPS shamans are missing talents & have broken talent nodes?


Kaivax better be getting hazard pay to be out here trying to smooth over stuff with GD


So the broken state of the enhance tree where they don’t have access to the 2 charges of elemental blast they should have is “working correctly”. I love being told that everyone else is allowed to have fun for the pre-patch while we were nerfed for no reason because you couldn’t include the changes for the spec.


out of all the bugs in pre patch, this is the only one they want to speak out on. Why the silence? At least be a little transparent…

Kaivax and the rest of the staff burning the midnight oil right now deserve a donut and pizza party.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: