Outdated talent trees

Havoc currently has more than 5 completely useless talents. Please look into this… Going to be awful if it’s another half expansion where the class is neglected


It’s definitely the hot mess express


I haven’t followed the beta that closely and didn’t know. I was trying stuff out and moving stuff around. I saw your post and looked it up. Wowzers.


Worse, and it also means spending the next month getting used to the current talents is pointless.


What a joke, what kind of excuse is this?

thank god i didn’t buy the expansion, because by the looks of it it will be a disaster.


This is disappointing.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t the majority of classes and specs have their newly envisioned trees? So people are able to test the new stuff perfectly fine right now, and based on live player feedback and beta testing they can fine tune the numbers. I imagine only a few specs are missing like 2 new talents, which is unfortunate sure, but would not require delaying the pre-patch for everyone else. Numbers and tuning (which is all that is left) will hardly impact playstyle which you can test. Pre-patch numbers are irrelevant. Test your rotations, get used to them, and when TWW is out you may get one new talent and some % changes, but you still have what your class will be.

Now if I am wrong, and say enhancement shamans are missing their entire rework and still using dragonflight trees, then yes that would strike me as a problem. I could be ignorant to that, so lmk.

Part of this whole debacle, IMO, is that we know more changes are coming. The alternative if we didn’t know would be releasing this stuff to us, then making a blue post on xpac launch day with the new changes. Nobody would bat an eye.

TLDR: We have 99% of the new stuff in hand, and they are fine-tuning damage % and such on beta in the remaining weeks, which is fine IMO.

The more I think about this the more embarrassing it is.

With a patch as big as yesterday, of course we expected some errors, bugs, or missteps.

This means you actively chose to make a truly terrible decision, and that’s just sad really.


So decimation proccing so little is a “intended change”

Enhance doesn’t get to have their month of fun? Elemental blast not replacing burst is also a “intended change”

Wow… What a joke. How exactly is this supposed to be intended? Don’t piss on my face and tell me it’s raining, we all know what’s actually happening.

You pushed a wrong build as a mistake or because there were serious bugs that needed to be ironed out in the most recent build, and rather than just telling the truth because it may seem embarrassing, you come up with BS such as this. Which is frankly more embarrassing than just saying the truth.


You are correct in that enhance did not get any of their rework, but they did manage to break a pretty important talent so we actually feel worse than before. (not a huge thing, but still a thing. )





You do know they did this on purpose and it was there cut off point and plus they have more iteration later. And also these iteration won’t stop at expansion launch date patches will have it too.

This is how they’ll “walk back this comment” in the next few days. Whoever wrote this message is a smart cookie, thinking ahead to cover their wacky response.

What a cluster.

Remember when this company was ‘release it when it’s finished’?


This is actually a wild statement and dev process. Unreal.


So basically every spec gets all of their current beta changes besides 2, doesnt make a whole lot of sense.


How can you say they are working as intended when WW monk has a node that is 80% damage increase on beta, and 20% on live, not to mention WW is doing 2-300k less than ret, arms, and more than that on other specs.

If you don’t want to balance specs just say that, don’t act like you do then. WW in specific is performing nowhere near where it does in the beta, I get it, WW is the meme spec because it’s been bad for so long.

But don’t act like you shipped a perfect patch and nothing is wrong, and insult the playerbase when ret and enh trees are outdated, monk nodes are bugged, and balancing is horrible.


Because the prepatch was built on an old version of beta.

This is verified by the fact none of the new hunter pet tames in the old world (like Grong, Rezan, etc.) are present on the prepatch, and confirmed by a dev they will be available in 11.0.2, which will be right before launch.


So enhancement is to stay in it’s terrible pre-fix state until release… got it. nice.


Waited until last min in beta to make Shaman changes and then didn’t even deploy them all in prepatch.

Y’all gotta do better than that.