Out with Baine, in with Magetha Grimtotem

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I’d be gleefully happy if the Blood Elves end up absolutely owning the Silver Covenant in a battle / confrontation and ultimately kill either Alleria or Vereesa :joy:

But that won’t happen, sadly — If anything, they’d make the Alliance flex on the Blood Elves than anything near the other way around. lol

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You’re a blood elf, you don’t get a say.

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it wont happen while im here.

A blood elf doesn’t get to negate … another blood elf? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

“No not you, you don’t get an opinion — only the blood elves that agree with what I want & like get an opinion!” :joy:

I’m not a blood elf. That said you’re not Tauren, you don’t get to pick their racial leader.

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While Alleria is a Windrunner…and therefor crazy as cats in a bag…her efforts have always been toward trying to save Azeroth from various threats. Sure, she makes less than wise choices, but at least she isn’t a self-serving murderer like her two sisters.

Since Sylvanas is already making penance for her crimes, that leaves Vereesa to be the target for demise in your battle plotline. I’d be fine with that.

I always made it a point to stop by and /pat Baine as he sat there all sad and lonely. May or may not have fallen asleep in his lap.

I’m going by WoWpedia, which said Saurfang told him to stay.

Speaking of Saurfang, aren’t you forgetting how involved he was with Anduin?
Also, Genn is always pissed, as is Tyrande.
Jaina was just working through …issues.

I have no idea where you’re getting this from because I looked it up to make sure I wasn’t remembering wrong and I read that Mayla was told to stay.

Speaking of which, it hasn’t escaped my notice that you keep reducing the number of points you’re going to address. I didn’t list five things wrong with Baine (your first edit) or two (your second edit), I listed 15.

He sucks. He’s the worst racial leader by far. You can’t even argue the majority of my points. You just snip out a tiny portion of what I’m saying and just argue that.


You said I don’t get a say when I replied to Breadisfunny … Who is another Blood Elf. :no_mouth:

Both Baine and Magetha suck.

Baine more so.


Yeah um… no. I replied to your original post. New to these forums??

baine best storytime leader of all shadowlands.

I get ‘Pinged’ with a notification on any comment of mine that’s made upon the thread.

Needless to say, you didn’t quote me and the ‘reply’ you gave wasn’t tied as a reply to the thread creation itself.

The comment you made → was directly after I replied to Breadisfunny.
Hence my correlation … New to these forums?

Take Baine off the grill. He is done.


it took the entire tauren tribes plus some alliance backing to defeat and only banish one tauren tribe whats more she is an overpowered shaman.

Yeah, no. She needs to be launched into the Nether where we never see or hear from her again.


garrosh was a good warchief had he not been attacked by litterally the trolls tauren under baine some orcs so on so forth. he was dealt a losing hand from the start by people who hated him before he even was warchief and even still he made the horde strong militarily(which is what a warchief is supposed to do its in the name war chief.)

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Which could have been done without:

  • Having dark shaman torture the elements,
  • Intentionally screwing over the orcs’ longest standing allies (the afore-mentioned Trolls and Tauren)
  • Treating the non-orcs in general as little more than cannon fodder (which neither Sylvanas nor Lor’themar specifically would have appreciated since that’s the primary reason the High Elves left the Alliance in the first place)
  • Dedicating himself to blind aggression for the sake of blind aggression.

He was raised under Greatmother Gayah’s guardianship, spent his whole life hearing of what happened to the orcs who fell sway to the Legion (including his father), Spent years with Saurfang counseling him on Azeroth. He saw first hand the potential world ending threats constantly thrown at both factions throughout the Northrend campaign, and how they all only survived by working together, and still learned absolutely nothing.