Out with Baine, in with Magetha Grimtotem

I want Magatha Grimtotem to lead the Tauren :dracthyr_nod:

It’s a controversial opinion and I get the whole: “Rararara! :angry: She killed Cairne! Grrr!” — but she’d shake things up & make the tauren have a more intriguing and compelling storyline amongst the Horde.

  • Plus, thus far she’s proved to be a more hands-on leader than Baine :roll_eyes:

I wouldn’t mind if Magatha had a ‘redemption’ in some regard either, such as surprisingly sparing Baine’s life & actually helping him survive in some kind of dire-scenario a short time later — Similarly to how Baine had chosen to spare her life years ago.

To an extent, you could say she’s proved herself worthy with having actively gone against dark forces too (Like the Twilight’s Hammer or the Legion).

As for Baine …

Honestly at this point I don’t know if I really want to see Baine anymore.

  • He had GREAT potential from Cata to Legion, but they just squandered it so badly in BFA & SL to the point where he just feels pathetically tarnished as a character.

In the books from Cata & MoP — He was a sassy, wise go-getter who took action. His character was awesome :star_struck: … Sadly however, his in-game portrayal later on was the complete opposite. :unamused:

It’s going to take more than just 1 scene or expansion of him doing cool stuff to repair him in the eyes of many; hence why I suggested earlier Magatha humble him with a rescue & assist of survival, followed by a series of events that puts her in a position of leadership.

The Tauren people and the Horde

Yes, she had attempted a coup d’état upon Thunderbluff — however the reason she did so, was because she believed her people deserved more and should rightfully take such by more bold measures. So I think she could open up some intriguing storylines for the Tauren.

Additionally, Magatha was probably the 2nd most supportive Tauren to the Forsaken too (the first being Hamuul) – So her relationship with the Horde, whilst rocky — could still be met with acceptance amongst certain numbers of them … Plus it’s not like the Horde themselves are exactly ‘perfect’ with history of allegiances & past actions taken. lol


Whether you like Magetha or not, she’d make a brilliant narrative driver for the story and give some of the old Horde identity back too.

  • “In the Horde, action and strength are valued above diplomacy” — Darkmoon Faire Cataclysm Promotion: Fortune card.

Anyway, if you disagree that’s fine – I’m not disillusioned enough to know there won’t be those who do — However, if you also agree or would like to see a particular way for it to happen feel free to speak your mind — or simply just share your thoughts and so on. :slight_smile:


Why would anyone want to follow that loser?

I mean really, what has she ever accomplished? She poisoned one guy’s axe and even he didn’t like her.


Exactly, I despise Baine but exchanging one loser for another seems pointless.


No. Magatha sucks. She’s not a cool villain. She’s a scummy villain.


Idk about Magatha… she may or may not be er…busy at the Shaman order hall doing various things to appease the leader of the Earthen ring. At least for me she would be as my shaman is a tauren guy who wasn’t too happy with her hand in Cairne’s death so who knows what she’s having to do but she’ll be there for a good while. How about we let Mayla lead both tribes for a while, maybe Mayla’s carrying an heir for Baine to be replaced by… who’s to say what those two are up to but I feel bad for Mayla having a man child like Baine for her boyfriend


:joy: :joy: :joy:

Duly Noted.

My thread was more on the basis of I’d rather a basic campfire than Baine, Magetha albeit not perfect – I’d still find a far better fit. lol

At the end of the day though, if she didn’t — I wouldn’t be all to upset by that either.

I just figured story progression that spices things up other than the McBackstabbies & Ole’Peacemongers would be interesting.


Might as well.

Blizz is running out of notable Horde characters to turn into loot pinatas so setting up Magatha against Baine, or Mayla if she’s his wife at this point and Baine is dead, over who leads the Tauren would be a great way to give Magatha the villain send off.


She’d end up as Garrosh 2.0. Just a power hungry self serving leader perfectly willing to sacrifice her own kin to achieve her goals


So, give power to the person who essentially is the reason that Garrosh happened? Because we all know Cairne was gonna win that.

JUSTICE FOR CAIRNE!!! If she’s not already dead, we need to kill her and if she is dead… rez her and kill her again.


I used to really like Baine. But like with most characters, the more we saw them in cinematics, the more they weren’t as mysterious to me, the more I lost interest in them. Only three characters come to mind that no matter the cinematics I was invested in them. Varian, Khadgar and Illidan.

The more I saw Baine in cinematics the more boring I felt he became.

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I don’t think that was the fault of the cinematics though, it was more the way he was written & portrayed in them.

You sold me. Magatha for warchief!

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Well its down to the story

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Tauren are probably the only “Good” aligned Horde Race. Having Magatha as their leader could fix that. Making them the monsters they were always meant to be.


Idk, they all seem like useless hippies since the end of BFA lol

Baine may be the Raj Koothrappali of WoW, but that’s no reason to replace him with Beverly Hofstadter.


Maybe if Taurens and other races got any spot light remotely comparable to the amount that Humans, Orcs and the collective Elves get it wouldn’t be so difficult to understand what the other races are doing all this time.

Though, one tauren was highlighted during an expansion to not wanting to keep fighting wars in an expansion that was clearly showing that the constant warring was actively causing problems with/for both factions and many, many other characters also shared the exact same sentiment but sure, the taurens were useless hippies.

If this wasn’t an mmorpg the Tauren would have been written out of the horde long ago with how backwards the horde went over the years. The entire culture of Taurens both regular and High Mountain are at exact odds with the Horde from Garrosh-Sylvanas run as war chiefs.

One can make the argument that there was some corruption for Garrosh with the sha and how long the two races have been allied together that they should work through this issue but Sylvanas? The vanilla story line for why the forsaken were included was already weak enough but playing as a Tauren while she was war chief was honestly what got me to start playing my alliance characters more heavily.

I’d rather be background characters than have a Garrosh/Sylvanas lite character take lead of the Taurens. I’d rather TB not be the next Horde city that is turned into a instance/raid.


You want the slimeball that killed Carine to be our leader then you can be exiled with her.

No. Absolutely not. Typical elf inserting into tauren politics.


Baine is the bane of the tauren and needs to be replaced, yes.
But not by Magatha.

The true leader of the Tauren is Tagar Bloodhoof.
He has the name and the heart.

A noble tauren warrior of the Bloodhoof tribe, Tagar served as Caine’s second in command and knew his son Baine since he was a child. After Baine Bloodhoof was captured by a band of centaur led by Khiragg after the Third War, Cairne fell into a deep lethargic depression, which led Tagar to unofficially take over.

After Cairne made the decision to journey with Rexxar for the fight against the Admiral, it was implied that Baine and Tagar were left to lead the tauren in his absence.

In Bovan’s absence he took up leadership of the tauren, and bared any centaur entry into the village, a fact that outraged Scout Tomul who was aiding Baine Bloodhoof in his search for Bovan.

He has experience leading the Tauren, whereas the true leader sits apathetically in the corner.


Out with both. Idk who can lead the tauren but I don’t want either of those 2.