OUCH Low Rated Players Not Going Like This pt2

Black and white

There is another group that says gear does make a difference but the bigger issue, not just this season is people who do not make an effort to improve and just go on and on that, it was an outside issue
aka they think they are better than what they are

Then go on a crusade that X class is the one holding them back from climbing. I wish there was a mentor program, to help all players achieve a level of competence so they can enjoy the game better instead of crying X class or X amount of stats was the deciding factor ( exclusively)

It is why they should normalize the gear across the board then we get to see the next set of excuses

It’s endless.

yo gear is not an issue homie, if ur stuck in 1400 you just gotta have the skill and knowledge of the 0.01% bro

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now THIS would make a good video. Anyone who’s already 226 saying gear doesn’t matter I want to see this as proof. Gear doesn’t matter at the top, but it sure has heck does when you’re learning to climb 1400-1800

/Sigh dude
 Most of us aren’t even saying that it’s holding us back so you’re again resorting to strawman arguments.

I don’t want rating locked gear for a dozen reasons I’ve already listed that have nothing to do with holding anything back.

It’s anti skill
It’s anti new player
It promotes boosting
Makes people even more meta slaves
If you want to dabble with alts it’s not fun unless you sweat real hard and again meta slave
Not everyone enjoys rated content all the time

But yeah keep leaning on that strawman
 Real sturdy.


/sigh dude
 Most of us arent even saying that its holding you back so you’re again resorting to strawman arguments

the best part about this is if they were to lose, the enemy team would gain like 10-13 rating. but lose like 20 if they lost. while the carry gets tons for wins and loses very little for losses. this literally only encourages carries because of how fast the points jump up and how little they decline.

but no, great system Ion, totally matches based on skill

No you’re arguing that that’s the reason we are all tired of rating locked gear is because we think we are being held back. That’s not the main reason most people are annoyed with rating locked gear.

As for this
 People never used to make excuses for not achieving rating. They’d complain about something being op and sometimes that was justified. They didn’t say that was why they couldn’t get x rating. Seriously man you’re not getting why most people don’t care for rating locked gear. Some think it’s holding them back but most think it’s unfun and encourages unhealthy things for PvP.

I just wanna play The game without spending all my free time for the next 3 months just gearing a SINGLE MAIN. I Just Wanna PLLAAYYY.

so play. What’s stopping you?

just this shows how disingenuous you are

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ITT: Disingenuous person disingenuously calls other people disingenuous.

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I mean they were pretty flipping rare man
 Occasional people flaming and blaming lfg but they were rare and got smacked down by everyone, including myself. Other than that what other excuse do people have? People complaining about stuff being op isn’t the same as saying they’re holding them back.

By all means though, if you can find a bunch of other threads with people complaining about something holding them back in rating I’m willing to recant. I sure don’t remember many and I’ve been playing since vanilla.

Watched an asmingold video and during it the viewers were saying queue times were long. So at the end he wanted to prove them wrong. He was 1960 and queued with a 1500 priest. They get into a match vs 1700 rated players and EVERYONE in the match had 226 gear from rbgs.

Now suppose you are someone that had normal gear from that backer and avoided rbgs, how hard would it be to over come that gear gap?

Not hard just dont be bad

again very disingenuous

If you can not see this class is OP threads ( thinly veiled) as what they really are in the arena forums ( the reason they are not climbing, for the most part)

or do you blindly think ( I am sure you don’t) that they are just trying to uphold the integrity of fairness

Not at all man
 Seriously, link me a couple threads where people are saying that something is holding them back.

Or that it’s just simply unfun to play against? Aka endless Destro lock threads in BFA? Spammable cc, non dr micro instant CCS, never die and multiple dangerous casts to kick on different schools. All making it very unfun to play vs.

I complained about it a ton in BFA. Never once did I mean that it was specifically holding me back :roll_eyes:

Stuck around 1.4k CP, tips and tricks on how to climb? : worldofpvp (reddit.com)

Arena participation low - PVP / Arenas - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)



“Man i know dks and locks were unplayble and enh is pretty op but s1 was realy fun”

oh found this Gem from 2019


"It’s just I’m struggling at 1.8 these days, I usually fly up to 2.2 at least within the first few weeks of a season. But I noticed alot of the players I’m against are glads and high exp at this low 1.8 mmr. "

source Arena participation low - PVP / Arenas - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

sound familiar?

Lololol these posts actually prove the opposite of what you want?!? Kinda like all your posts do. The first thread the guy doesn’t blame anything but his own skill. He’s literally asking for tips and tricks to help :joy:

The second thread was 18 comments long
 And like one of the comments, the one you quoted, is about r1s holding them down. Most people are simply talking about low partipation and how bad PvP gearing was compared to PvE. Which it was

I dunno man

um it takes me under a week to fully gear a fresh alt wtf are you guys complaining about. mythic boes are so cheap the gearing is laughable easy. (torgast sucks tho ya).