That depends on your server and you aren’t building a full set from AH gear.
Uhhhhh…not on my server. That or you just admitted to boosting most pvpers aren’t flush with cash and legendary upgrades are hella expensive. I’m not spending a dime on boes.
Covenant gear isn’t terrible for intro but it’s essentially time gated with how much ap you get.
True but some an AH are very much BIs so might as well get them and they are cheap but then again season is winding down maybe a good time to push is once they announce when next season starts
Yeah, a few of them have good stats for pvp but not all.
u do realize boosting 4 gold is within tos right. i dont think youre much of a pvper either.
also if u cant afford 226 gear at prices like this you are either dumb or a peasant. ya if ur on a dead server diff story tho. but then again why are or would you be on a dead server. go to a pvp mecca (i.e. tich)
https: //imgur. com/ a/0F2aMiv
oozo telling it straight in this thread
lmao, its a very unimpressive video. trying to make a point that gear might not matter, but look at this even though he’s a ret with shadowmourne (RET BTW) but still has 220 ilvl. he’s still practically playing a duelist geared ret.
final reck and toll don’t scale with weap dmg. scales w/ STATS