OUCH Low Rated Players Not Going Like This pt2

It means they lost multiple games lol… He didn’t need to tank… In fact the priest would climb faster if they didn’t. A pro at 1600… Losing multiple games… Literally only in wow.

In rocket League a pro can hop into a grand champ game and never lose a game because skill is the only thing that matters :joy:

Seriously man if you need your roleplay go slay some dragons in PvE and let PvP be about skill.

Losing games with a disadvantage. Its he same as a one hand only challenge or something.
This level 59 giving negi vibes IGNORED PEASANT

How dare ye, sir! Forsooth and at thee!

But gear doesn’t matter…

What disadvantage was he at? If you say gear, we are all going to laugh at you.


He was playing with shadowmourne on

So again proving that a new player is going to lose a lot of games strictly to being at a gear disadvantage. Awesome, thanks for clearing that up.

Got to go with the drunken dwarf rp for sure.


Gear isnt holding you back. You’ll be the same rating as you are now if they added wod gearing in.
Post on your main so i can see why you’re commenting IGNORED
Little baby level 59 knows nothing but skirms. Cannot comment

Its not about being “held back” that what you seem to not be understanding. Its about having a ladder with Integrity.

that will never happen

As long as we can agree that the current ladder doesn’t have integrity. Then we can leave it there to agree.

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Boosts for RMT still happening

Smourne isn’t that big of a handicap since they removed weapon scaling or lowered the hell out of it and made everything scale off AP.

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You literally just told me that I’m going to lose games due to gear :joy:

I mean I don’t exactly have a hidden profile. I’ve gotten duelist virtually every season I’ve played, including when it was % based. Meaning I’d have a gear advantage over most people in this game. Would you look at that, I still don’t care for rating locked gear because it’s inherintly anti PvP and competition.

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While still having all 226 gear everywhere else. He still had over 40K HP with priest buff. The still had 30% versatility. Weapon damage isn’t everything.

This was just a poorly made propaganda video that left things in that subverted its own narrative.

I was killing people on my rogue in vanilla while having fish equipped in mainhand and offhand. Super skilled, I guess.


baby 59 wont change my mind. Gearing system is fine how it is
It was a fun video to watch, sad it got removed.
Nawat you might like stoopzz

Boosts happen in every game. But they are much less pervasive because there isn’t additional rewards other than having higher rating.


RAWRGALBARGBLEBARGLE!!! I contradicted myself so now I am furious mad!

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yeah i really dont care about this anymore. Video is removed, it’s all over we can go now.
Gear system is fine wod style is fine. Its up to blizzard not us anyway

Lot’s of things are inherently unfair in this game. Class, Spec, Comp, Racials, RNG procs, spell variance, crit, addons/ wa’s all impact the outcome.

This is not rocket league. This is not LoL. This is an mmorpg. Time investment and character progression exist. The issue is not that they exist, the issue is the extent of their impact. Class should matter. Comp should matter. Talent selection should matter. Gear should matter. It should not matter this much.