OUCH Low Rated Players Not Going Like This pt2

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You dodged my question, if you’re going to be bias just be honest.

They need some time to edit out the parts that show how dishonest the video was.


Fixed it for you.

The only person who actually climbed here was the priest who was getting MMR boosted. And again, the priest is the alt of a 2300 rated player. So, the priest was not a handicap relative to the people they were fighting.

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Gear matters. All we are talking about is the breakpoint. I think you would be upset if the breakpoint fell on you. Gear has no place in competitive gameplay period.

But it does in an mmo.
Do we remake wow into an esports where we all q arenas on tourny realms?
you cant be serious haha

They want WoW to be like Counter Strike or League of Legends. But even in those games I’m sure they also complain about enemies buying items-guns faster with gold-money earned from kills.

“This is a PvP game, why do they get items faster? Not fair?” :smirk:

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I don’t think you know what MMO means. The operative acronym that would support your claim is RPG. MMO is a meaningless statement in todays gaming context.

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The most hilarious and nonsensical argument. What does MMO stand for? Massively multiplayer. Nothing in their about gear disparity in PvP.

Okay so you meant the rpg part of it? If you want to roleplay maybe go slay some dragons? Most people who PvP aren’t there to roleplay.


Do you want to argue what mmo means? You clearly knew what i meant haha
If they put in wod gearing right now, nothing would change. You’ll be the same rating as you are now. Until you own up to your mistakes and fix them, changing how gearing works wont do anything.
I’m all for wod gearing how it was. Not the 9.1 btw

Are you trying to argue that the people that PvP care more about gear than actually just playing for the competition? Anyone actually in favor of this current system does not actually care about having integrity in the arena ladder.

Im sorry the video insulted you.
It got removed so its done with. We’re arguing over nothing at this point.

Lol it didn’t insult anyone :roll_eyes: as has been pointed out, it proved the exact opposite of what it intended to. Hence it was taken down.

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Proved skill > gear

It’s not their only video about it too. They had a shadowpriest do lfg only with 190 item level.

Well we are arguing over the importance of gear in arenas. An issue that spreads much further than a pvp video.

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You mean he lost rating? Lol so when he dropped gear he did worse… Sounds like the opposite got proved

Again, didn’t prove a thing? A pro player lost a fair number of games to 1600 hero’s while playing with someone who had previous higher than 1600 exp. A pro player, losing games at 1600 lol. Only in wow because “it’s an MMO brah”

Seriously when he climbs back to the top 100 with shadowmourne then I’d be impressed.


Yes, the only thing holding you back is gear. You’d probably be the first 4k rated player if you had max gear.

The challenge was to get someone 1800 and he did. Had he started at the priests cr they wouldve done better. He had to tank his mmr to do the carry obvi :laughing:

It didn’t prove that though how do you not understand that. and the 190 shadow priest one is dishonest too, as they selectively removed gear, when we know that gear doesn’t scale that way. Do you know any 190 geared players with 34K HP? Because I don’t.

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Comment on their video then haha