OUCH Low Rated Players Not Going Like This pt2

I cant take the forums serious when PvP gearing is bad and not fun (HELP) - PVP / Arenas - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com) is a thing and existed during Legion when gear didn’t matter. Had an entire xpack of BFA where pve gear was king and people hated that. We have a system where you get gear for pvping and you have to pvp a lot I agree honor needs to be buffed in terms of gain but you guys dont need to do m+ anymore.

We’re getting a WoD hybrid next patch.

In legion it was no gear customization that made the game bad now its having gear in a competitve area that makes it bad.

This stuff doesn’t even address class balance. No matter what system you guys will make a new goalpost.

: ) Gear matters participations shot up a ton. Biggest issue this season is how long its been how long it takes to actually upgrade the gear and as always class balance.