OUCH Low Rated Players Not Going Like This pt2

exactly it’s just a mmr boost with a negative win/loss. they could keep queing and loss more and the priest would eventually climb to try and match the pallies mmr.

it’s a dumb system and the reason why all these boosters exist

Your challenge doesnt really match with whats actually happening. We’re talking about lower rated arenas, where most people arnt max geared. Trust me i know, ive qd probably 500 2s over the last week around 1600-2k with random healers. I can tell you, most of the games depending on mmr their gear matches.
Also at lower brackets there is a massive room for improvement.

Quote to end all arguments

People dodging muds question like theyre full haste corrupted bfa dhs in blade dance during meta smh.

This xpacks meta of forum posters is goal post movers. Games so much better than what we had in BFA. Bigger issues exist like LFG just generally being bad and not user friendly. So many problems could be remedied with stuff like making a hub where every1 that pvps can hang out. Use to meet so many partners just shooting the shizz in durotar and Elwynn. Games a social game at its core especially pvp.

Ironically playing with people you enjoy with makes you a lot better and can form a base of consistency. I imagine a lot of people who are hardstuck low cr are probably super toxic in game.


You clearly don’t understand the point of my challenge. Ofcourse you would expect Xot or a player who is 3k would be able to hit 1600. But you said in an earlier post that everyone would be exactly at the rating they are at despite gear, so my question is, why is a 3k rated player stuck @ 1600 if gear doesn’t matter?

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He wasnt stuck, he got 1600 which now opens him to getting 213 gear. Thats the gear progression, he was able to use his skill and game knowledge to push his cr.

People need to stop blaming gear, partner, boosters, classes or anything they can think of and try working on improving as a player. You wont become a better player complaining or blaming other factors on why you’re the rating you are. Put in the time and effort to learn from your mistakes and get the cr you want. Simple.


I cant take the forums serious when PvP gearing is bad and not fun (HELP) - PVP / Arenas - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com) is a thing and existed during Legion when gear didn’t matter. Had an entire xpack of BFA where pve gear was king and people hated that. We have a system where you get gear for pvping and you have to pvp a lot I agree honor needs to be buffed in terms of gain but you guys dont need to do m+ anymore.

We’re getting a WoD hybrid next patch.

In legion it was no gear customization that made the game bad now its having gear in a competitve area that makes it bad.

This stuff doesn’t even address class balance. No matter what system you guys will make a new goalpost.

: ) Gear matters participations shot up a ton. Biggest issue this season is how long its been how long it takes to actually upgrade the gear and as always class balance.


So true buddy

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People wouldnt complain about gear as much if it didnt take 300+ games to actually upgrade the stuff. And tbh shorter seasons where there was like for example in 9.05 if the base of conq gear started at 213 ilvl instead of 200 would do wonders with a new season starting like we saw in legion.

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Legion seasons were op

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I genuinely miss that xpack so much. First time I hit 2k first time I got 2.4k. M+ was at its best raiding was crazy fun hit 5.3k io and was top 20 for dhs in the world. Alts in pvp just for memes were fun you just hit cap got some ap and Q’d up.

Really depresses me I wasn’t better demonic gladiator is my favorite mount in the game and I’ll never have it. Legion outside class design for pvp was actually 1 of their best products in terms of gameplay loop. I seriously think if we saw wod or mop class design it would be the best xpack ever released.

The video shows none of this. People didn’t answer your question because it was irrelevant, not because it was uncomfortable.

Yes, this player could climb even at a gear disadvantage in normal circumstances but what the video actually showed was him losing rating in the process of MMR boosting another player.

If you are trying to make a point at least make a video that supports the point trying to be made.

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The biggest issue is the ones that are having the most trouble climbing will not see the value because they don’t know what they are looking at

if only youtube videos had a WA to tell them what they need to see and do =(

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  • Gear matters in PvP.

  • If you are at a gear disadvantage you absolutely will lose games because of it.

  • PvP is a competition.

  • Competitions necessitate a fair playing field.

  • PvP was fine MoP-Legion with essentially no gear advantages.

  • Most good players would prefer to win because they played better and not because they outgeared someone.

  • When gear didn’t matter the best players were still the best.

  • Gear disadvantages ruin alts which leads to less ladder participation especially as the season progresses.

  • Gear disadvantages discourage new and returning players from participating in PvP.

  • Gear disadvantages make climbing to your potential take 10x longer than it should just so Blizzard can milk everyone dry for time played.

I think most of us would agree these things are true. My point in mentioning them is just to add clarity to the discussion because from my perspective there are two separate arguments going on here:

  1. There are people arguing that gear isn’t holding you back from whatever your potential is.
  2. There are people arguing that gear matters in PvP.

Both of these are true and I haven’t seen anyone saying they’d be 3k if gear was equalized, and I haven’t seen anyone say gear doesn’t matter. It’s just a constant back and forth over two different things. This is obviously exactly what the OP wanted to happen as well lol. If you’re going to argue at least be arguing about the same thing.


Black and white

There is another group that says gear does make a difference but the bigger issue, not just this season is people who do not make an effort to improve and just go on and on that, it was an outside issue
aka they think they are better than what they are

Then go on a crusade that X class is the one holding them back from climbing. I wish there was a mentor program, to help all players achieve a level of competence so they can enjoy the game better instead of crying X class or X amount of stats was the deciding factor ( exclusively)

It is why they should normalize the gear across the board then we get to see the next set of excuses

It’s endless.

yo gear is not an issue homie, if ur stuck in 1400 you just gotta have the skill and knowledge of the 0.01% bro

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now THIS would make a good video. Anyone who’s already 226 saying gear doesn’t matter I want to see this as proof. Gear doesn’t matter at the top, but it sure has heck does when you’re learning to climb 1400-1800

/Sigh dude… Most of us aren’t even saying that it’s holding us back so you’re again resorting to strawman arguments.

I don’t want rating locked gear for a dozen reasons I’ve already listed that have nothing to do with holding anything back.

It’s anti skill
It’s anti new player
It promotes boosting
Makes people even more meta slaves
If you want to dabble with alts it’s not fun unless you sweat real hard and again meta slave
Not everyone enjoys rated content all the time

But yeah keep leaning on that strawman… Real sturdy.


/sigh dude… Most of us arent even saying that its holding you back so you’re again resorting to strawman arguments

the best part about this is if they were to lose, the enemy team would gain like 10-13 rating. but lose like 20 if they lost. while the carry gets tons for wins and loses very little for losses. this literally only encourages carries because of how fast the points jump up and how little they decline.

but no, great system Ion, totally matches based on skill