AU Mag’har, or more directly sends Eitrigg to recruit them. I don’t think there’s ever been any indication that the plan was ever to have the MU Mag’har be playable.
It’s honestly both. The writers are too lazy to actually try progressing less popular characters so they’re essentially just banking on Sylvanas and Jaina’s presence alone to draw in people. It’s the ultimate form of lazy writing imo.
Nah it just the writers change in what they want, Golden will make Anduin and Jaina the protagonist while the horde dunno maybe Zekhan and Baine? because afrabiasi loves the honor and alliance lovers
Lol, i doubt the writers have enough skill to sell Baine, at this point he’s essentially a meme. As for Zekhan, I honestly wish i knew. People liked for him just because of a 5s moment in the BfA cinematic, as they said, they had no intention on actually making him a real character.
I like honor, but I dislike the portrayal of Sourfang or Bane, what does that make me?
Wow, Jaina has actually NEVER been in a cinematic, i just realized that.
But i mean, Sylvanas was in both the Legion and BfA intro cinematics, and is actually the first character to be featured in two expansion cinematics. Also, Warbringers, and also had, like, a 3s cameo in the Old Soldier cinematic.
Poor Rexxar, first Jaina commits a senseless massacre that only he can remember, then Sylvanas leaves him stranded on Alcatraz with only a mage who can’t create portals for some reason. And then to top it off she has his best friend murdered right in front of him!
Yeah, I’m putting my money toward the end of 8.2.5, as lead-in to the final act. I also assume that would also be around the time of Blizzcon 2019, so it lines up.
Also, I forgot to mention that a Kul Tiran crushed his pet wolf to death by sitting on him in the initial Stormsong war campaign quest where you find him. Initially I thought they were going to kill Rexxar off, now I feel like they’re building up to him doing something big.
Uhh … pretty sure the Forsaken became a Totalitarian Mind-Policing state as far back as Cata (or the Edge of Night, when it was revealed the Sylvie did not give a crap about her “Mongrel Race of Rotten Corpses” and they were just tools for her disposal). There has also NEVER been a point in the Forsaken narrative where “Free Will” was acceptable if it opposed Sylvanas (its “Free Will” as long as its convenient to her rule). That’s pretty totalitarian … and predates Golden by QUITE a while.
For goodness sake, Cata Sylvie has quests where you are slaughtering random farmers and then reviving them; only for them to immediately turn on their families (wow, that sounds familiar). We also had that wondrous attempt by her to Mind-Warp Koltira Deathweaver to make his “will” more convenient for the Forsaken. Ayup, that doesn’t sound mind-policy at all! Totally Golden’s fault … and not Kosak’s who sent her down this crazed path.
I am in the same wagon as you pal, I don’t like Baine because he is a worse version of Jaina that put others persons above her own people and family and Saurfang was sacrificed to make Anduin look like some messiah figure.
I would had loved something like garrosh with a mix of Vol’jin, someone who isn’t afraid to come to blows with the blue boys but not being an idiot warmonger that can’t beat a 18 years old boy
Personally I’d have no trouble with Baine occasionally getting aid from the Alliance every now and then if it didn’t occur EVERY TIME HE GETS DEVELOPED.
-Grimtotem kill his father, kills his people, and then tries to kill him? Gets aid from the Alliance.
-Having trouble with Garrosh’s leadership? Consults the Alliance.
-Having problems with Sylvanas’s ruthless methods? Convenes with the Alliance
It makes him more of an Alliance character than Horde at this point, like, why are he and the Tauren still part of the Horde?
A more interesting thing for him to do do is take a large portion of the Tauren people and temporarily secede from the Horde. Obviously some would have to stay for gameplay purposes, but honestly it would show that he has a backbone while still remaining in-character, protesting Sylvanas in a non-violent way. It would show that he does not like this war and if Sylvanas isn’t going to compromise with him and his people, then he simply will not send his people to their deaths either by her or the Alliance. This would either force Sylvanas to be a good leader and compromise or lose a valuable force in the Horde.
Seriously, I could write this story better.
Exactly, like, what happened to the man who threatened to murder Garrosh just for speaking brashly during the Northrend campaign? Where the man who said this to Garrosh for thinking like a bloodthirsty warmonger?:
“I won’t let you take us down that dark path again, young Hellscream. I’ll kill you myself before that day comes…”
Well that day HAS come, in which a bloodthirsty warmonger has taken the Horde down a dark path and where is this man now?
On the run and a fugitive of the Horde he’s supposed to be a hero for.
Like, i get it, I’m not saying he should challenge Sylvanas to a Mak’gora because he would obviously lose. But he sure is taking his sweet time while the Horde he once loved is comitting honorless atrocity after honorless atrocity. Digging its’ grave deeper and deeper, potentialy destroying any chance of redemption.
That’s what made Vol’jin such a perfect fit for Warchief. Is an incredible strategist and an inteligent pragmatist who knows when to fight and when to parlay. He isn’t going to bow down to the Alliance or back down from a fight, but at the same time he isn’t going out of his way to bring them suffering and will employ diplomacy when he needs to, because his people ALWAYS comes first. The Horde, his family.
Which is why I will accept nothing less than Vol’jin’s imminent return. Both to the world of the living and as Warchief of the Horde.
Unfortunate the real reason why this expansion sucks it’s because the horde didn’t learn their lesson last time and Golden is pushing Anduin to be some main protagonist despite of being hated by literally everyone in the playerbase.
Saurfang has gone full suicidal maniac because that is what the plot demands and Baine can’t do alternatives because Sylvanas has some dirt on him like writting letters to Anduin, also his character only takes spotlight to show how the humans are awesome, specially Jaina and Anduin by Golden.
Just hope after bfa most of the writing team get the Kosak treatment and are move to some second rate game like Hearthstone, we need characters to be more like Arthas, Kael, ol Thrall, WC3 Tyrande, instead of just filling quotes of non toxic masculinity and crap like that
Yeah. But the price for disobeying the dwarven leadership has never been to lose your identity. Your rights, your home if exiled, maybe even your life- the dwarves seem like the type that wouldn’t oppose capital punishment. But they either won’t or can’t reach inside your head and try to rewrite what’s there.