“Others will hear of this....”

Quite a lot, actually, if the plot requires them to do something cool to promote the Honorable Horde

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Thrall did not abandon the Horde. He passed leadership onto someone who turned out to be someone completely different than he thought, which resulted in him having to bring justice. That in turn, caused so much psychological harm that he had no choice but to escape and try to reevaluate everything again. On top of that and as part of that, even the elements abandoned him.
It’s like doing something you think is right, just to have someone destroy it AND be punished for it at the same time. Most of all when that something is centered around a large group of races that you fought hard to unit and protect/save. It’s hard not to feel shame after that, self loathing. That doesn’t make you a bad person. On the contrary. It means you have a conscience.


Nope, Golden hate is justified for anyone bearing any investment in Forsaken narrative. Apparently I went 10+ years playing this toon being unable to clap, let alone living in a totalitarian mind-policing state.


Thrall and Saurfang are the obvious ones.

Vol’jin’s reaction will also be an interesting one, but I’m not sure how in-the-loop Rexxar is on that one. I’m not even sure if Sylvanas is actually aware of Vol’jin yet.

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This is the correct answer.

Good question. Possibly hinting at the Alliance, but being some one who did both scenarios Shaw spys on the meeting.

As for others he’d tell I’m not 100% sure. Pretty sure he’s not in the loop about Saurfang, just as many of the other leaders seem to not know his fate. To be honest I’d like to see Thrall come back, especially in an expansion dealing so heavily with Jaina. Even Chen would be interesting, since at that point you’d have all the major players from that campaign “reuniting”.

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Rexxar - “I’m putting together a team. You in?”


Rokhan could decide to, I suppose.

You mean Valtrois? I don’t think Rexxar’s met Thalyssra outside of being in the same meeting.

My bets on Thrall, but I’m not so sure what “the others will hear about.” Jaina’s a warpath, and Baine is helping her, I assume that in itself would piss Rexxar all the way off.

Above all I think he’s going to link up with Thrall in order to make sense of Baine and Saurfang’s betrayals. He’s had zero grips with Sylvanas, and has slaughtered his way through KT in behalf of Sylvanas.

No it isn’t. Kosak gave her the cards and Golden has just been playing the hand she’s been dealt. That’s why he was booted off the WoW team right after Legions’ launch.

The /clap emote still works for Forsaken, maybe others just have weak hands.

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What in the ‘cards’ states the Forsaken were living in a thought-policing society? Pick anywhere in the Sylvanas/Forsaken narrative that even remotely hints at this little element Golden revealed for all of us.


That’s not true, he disapproved of freeing Ashvane, just not to the extent of disobeying orders, and considers the Horde’s current path perilous, and that the Horde is at a crossroads “…once again”.


I fail to see how considering the Horde’s current path perilous is considered a Sylvanas gripe.

I havn’t completed that quest yet so I don’t know what gripe against Sylvanas we’re talking about, but all in all the one time that he griped about Sylvanas doesn’t take away from my point.

I can keep an eye out but I’m just not seeing it

There was nothing that ever debunked such a thing either, BtS might have actually been the first in-depth description of common Forsaken life. Beyond that, anything Forsaken-related that we usually get just centered around Sylvanas. Golden doesn’t control the Forsaken narrative, she simply put what she was told in BtS.

Once again, I don’t see why this is Golden’s fault, if Kosak didn’t make Sylvanas Warchief, the writers wouldn’t have needed to botch up of her characterization to make her more villainous to set up for Civil War 2: “Muh honur vs. Muh pragmutisum”

So do you mean that the Mag’har as in the outland ones (MU)? Or that after Baine’s arrest Rexxar was going to run to AU Grom with the Mag’har being AU still?

sometimes i feel the story for battle for azeroth is centered too much around sylvannas


At this point i’m expecting Thrall to bust back in green Jesus style and benchpress Nathanos while giving Sylvanas a stern talking to.

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She’s beloved by Blizzard employees.

Really? I feel that way about Jaina… The Horde characters, while pushing much of the narrative, are largely absent from BFA.


It’s a weird mix. The driving characters get pushed to the back so all the reactionary characters can hog the limelight emoting about it.