“Others will hear of this....”

Rexxar states that he will tell others about Baines’ arrest. But as far as we know, pretty much every Horde racial representative was there’s to witness it, so who even else is there to inform?


green jesus?


Alliance races? Sense internal division and potential weakness, to almost exploit but ultimately not exploit because lawful stupid?


Chris Metzen’s been itchin to lay down the law on that emotional plastic corpse ever since Blizzcon


Hmmm. Maybe. He also wrote her appearance in the BfA opening cinematic, so he clearly has an affection and vision for the character more charitable than the current writers.

Potentially, this is just Rexxar’s ‘Jaina Killed Too Many’ Dementia flaring up and he’s going to ramble on about this for six hours to Thalyssra, who nods along politely because he’s a famous Horde hero and she’s not sure she can just call him out on saying the same thing for an entire afternoon.


Thrall? Chen maybe? I can’t imagine Sablemane would really care, nor would be in any position to really do anything in the off-chance he did?


But also keep in mind that whether or not her appearance in the cinematic was intended to be as Warchief is still very much up in the air.

Rexxar: Yo watup girl

Thalysra: nervously responds uhh…hi

Rexxar: Wanna hear about some…HONUR!?

Thalysra: No, not really, I’m actually confiding in Lor’them…

Rexxar: proceedes to preach about orcish honor for about 6 hours

Thalysra: You done?

Rexxar: Yup

Thalysra: Hey look over there, it’s the Hordes lost Honor!

Rexxar: turns around Huh, where? he turns back around to see that Thalysra had magically vanished

Rexxar: Man, I thought chicks liked muh Orc honor …


His pets.

Rexxar walks back to his camp spot…

“Misha, you would not believe the day I just had…”


Probably Thrall and Saurfang. Maybe the Alliance? But I’m not sure why Rexxar would care if the Alliance found out.

Between Rexxar saying this, and Baine’s “Others will see you for what you are!”, it feels like Sylvanas is getting her own version of Taran Zhu’s “The world will hear of this. They will come for you.” to Garrosh.


Thread from Deathisfinal back in August:

I think this is a holdover from them switching the release placement of the Zandalari and the Mag’har. The Zandalari were originally planned to be released first alongside the Dark Iron Dwarves, but were switched the line up with the Kul’Tirans instead. Over all, the Mag’har recruitment quests feels really out of place, though if they had come after Baine’s arrest they would have made more sense.

Thing is, Geya’rah is one of the FEW leaders there who actually agreed with Sylvanas’s decision.


Man Amadis, depressing me with that post again. Not the Saurfang getting Thrall thing. If Thrall gets a new model that is more reflective of his roots (get some hair back, ditch the stupid beads, dial back the eyebrows), I’d be all on board for that. But, the stupid harassment of devs … sucks. Look, hate the story, complain about the lack of input the fans have, but … its so much unfocused rage a lot of the time.

Golden especially gets a lot of hate for … I guess Anduin and Baine (who have 90 percent of their content in the books)? Up until BfA neither were particularly relevant to anything going on in game? She also gets a strange amount of hate for the route Sylvanas has gone on … but she is in no way responsible for that (want to blame someone for the path Sylvie’s on, blame Kossak. Golden is really only continuing on the path she was given by him).

I dunno … sometimes I feel like Outrage is just the “In-Thing” sometimes; and lashing out irrationally is just par for the course.


Exactly, Kosak was the one in charge when Vol’jin was axed off and is reportedly known to be particularly fond of Sylvanas, and has stated multiple times that she’s is his favorite character, it’s no coincidence. HE made the call to abruptly kill off Vol’jin and install Sylvanas of all people as Warchief.

Heck, it was also around that time(Legions’ launch) that he was moved to the Hearthstone team? Like, I’m pretty sure that’s why, it all lines up pretty darn well. He made such a giant screwup in the long run that the writers had to move forward with and try to work with ever since.


That’s kind of self-solving, though, as Geya’rah wouldn’t have been there at all if the Mag’har were recruited after this. More important is what Eitrigg had to say about Baine’s arrest and how that would have tied into the Mag’har recruitment quests we have if they came after.


The only people I can think of. Thrall would care and come help Baine. Chen doesn’t really know him.

This is the funniest answer. :smiley: He’s tellin’ that rat that runs an inn! Watch out Sylvanas!


And that’s without mentioning how they’re making the ghost Vol’jin side plot explicitly to fix their colossal mistake.


It probably is Thrall yeah. Reminder that last time we saw Saurfang he was moving in the direction of the Dark Portal.


You know you have severely messed up as a writer when the ghost of the character you killed off comes back and starts exploring how any of your @#$& makes sense.


Likely answer is Thrall and/or Surfang, but all in all what is a Shaman who can’t shaman and an old curmudgeon who abandoned the Horde going to do.

kill steal us again, what else?