Other than “feeling special,” why do people care if others have the same gear as them?

You’ve literally been a jerk this whole thread. Something about a pot and a kettle…


And I’d argue playing like 6 hours a day makes you more of a hardcore player, even if there are no results.

They do. M+ and PvP. It’s been repeated a lot.

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One of us thinks there is a “correct” way to play the game and that way should be the only way that you can get high ilevel gear, period and no one else should be allowed unless they decide to play the game that way.

The other thinks everyone who plays the game should have a path to high ilevel gear playing their chosen form of content because they have a right to enjoy the game too and just because raiding isn’t something they care about doesnt mean they should be penalized.

Tell me who sounds like the jerk in those two scenarios.

And, as has been repeated a lot. Just because you think that is the content that matters and is important, doesnt mean everyone agrees.

Very simple: “ePeen”.
They need that to compensate for their pathetic life, at least in the game they are superior to someone.

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As a former “Hardcore” raider, I find the casual game and rewards fine so far. I can get better gear in heroics, then Mythic+ as I play when I can, the options are there for me to be able to. I can even see raid content with LFR option for lore and story.

I don’t feel I need better gear to do it though. If I do Mythic+ or LFR, then I’ll get gear from doing that, as intended. If ever want to get into “Hardcore” raiding once more, I have that option available to me as well through recruitment forums etc.

So, from someone who enjoys both sides, I don’t feel when I am playing as a casual, I should get rewards equal to that of those doing Mythic Raids. I feel I get rewards for the content I can accomplish. So if I get into PvP, do well in PvP, I’ll be rewarded for PvP. Same for Mythic+, Raiding, etc.


Yet its apparently a huge aspect. Or this thread wouldn’t exist.

Who have I claimed to represent? Are you able to participate without using a strawman argument?

Wasn’t asking you.

But “affecting gameplay” is not a good faith argument for making a major change.

Its why I have never seen an MMORPG use the loot format being asked for.

I am being a jerk for disagreeing with you?

I have never stated otherwise. I just found your lowly opinion of Casuals sorta bad.

It didn’t bother me. But you do you.

Congrats. They have a way to get the same ilvl gear as raiders.

That must be you.

I have never stated there is only 1 way to get high ilvl gear.

Probably the liar.


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So what. Someone asked a question. I responded with the answer. At no point did I say I wasnt being a jerk. Deal with it.

Ahh. Wise words from the level 10 troll alt on GD Forums. Truly a well of wisdom.

No this is redefining the word hardcore. Hardcore means someone who plays difficult content. High level raids and dungeons. This is always what the word has meant.

It is only with the introduction of LFR and M+ and the “easy” paths through the “difficult” content that the definition has changed.

A casual is someone who prefers grinding typically in the world. Spending time in game vs having a challenge. Grinding rep is casual.

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So what was your excuse with me? You called me a simp, so many things, when I am the player you claim you are fighting for, and I am telling you it’s a bad idea?

You want to brawl let’s be fair. How many of us casuals have told you, the epic raider that we don’t want this?

No. Why are you here?

You are not a hero to casuals, you are a voice box for entitled players who can’t be bothered to play the game to earn the rewards, as it has been the case for 16 years now.



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Sounds like something a jerk would say.

This also feels like a redefining of the word.

You can casually do m+5s, for example.


You just slam the point home when you start crying about your feelings because I’m being a jerk to you.

No wonder you can’t handle the idea that other players might get some good ilevel gear by doing something other than mythic raiding.

You can’t even handle a guy being a little terse on the forums.

No. One of you argues that gear is a reward for time and effort, the other argues that nothing matters and that the best gear should be rewarded regardless of the sole content you do.

Gear is gear. The best gear isn’t required to play, “correctly”, and absolutely unnecessary for enjoyment of the game.

They’re not being penalized at all. As I said, gear is entirely unnecessary once you get enough to faceroll the content you do.

Anything past what is actually required to comfortably beat the sole content you enjoy is entirely frivolous.

You still do.


Doesn’t matter, public forum your post can be responded by anybody…

But all this is “what if’s” it’s not going to happen anyways

Considering how often I have mentioned m+ and PVP.

I can only assume you are trolling at this point.

I guess I shoulda caught on sooner.


No you cannot. This is difficulty based group content. It is the opposite of what a casual player wants to do. Just because it’s “easier” difficulty based group content doesn’t mean it’s casual content.

Yes he is. Look there he is right there.


How could you not listen to them?